I cannot for the life of me get a comment/rebuttal to stick on the Sun-Times' website, so throwing out this sad piece of dreck in case anyone else can:
According to the electronic info signs above the Dan Ryan, 541 Illinoisans have died in vehicle accidents this year. "DON'T TEXT AND DRIVE!" (Is displayed following the death toll.) This number is from last night so unfortunately it may have increased since then.
Adam Herstein said:
I wonder which kills more people in IL, cars or guns. My bet would be on cars.
spencewine said:This guy also forgets that driving a car in IL is a priviledge, not a right, where as owning a gun is...unfortunately, a right.
Maybe you could start writing for the Sun-Times.
Adam Herstein said:
I wonder which kills more people in IL, cars or guns. My bet would be on cars.
The difference here is that I am posting on a forum and was too lazy to look up the statistics. I am not writing an article for a mainstream newspaper and trying to pass it off as fact.
Kevin C said:
Maybe you could start writing for the Sun-Times.
Adam Herstein said:I wonder which kills more people in IL, cars or guns. My bet would be on cars.
I've experienced this first hand, it ain't a pretty sight:
James BlackHeron said:
I say they remove all the stop LIGHTS and make every intersection an all-way stop.
That should discourage a lot of the car driving. I'd probably save the city a LOT of money on electricity too.
Adam was more committed here:
"Chicago NEEDS more stop signs and red light/speed cameras because motorists flat-out REFUSE to follow the laws of the road. Speeding, and running stop signs/red lights are rampant in this city. So now, the city is forcing them to follow the law, and they are all complaining about it."
He was able infer that all motorists REFUSE to follow the law and that they ALL complain. Now he can work there, yes?
Cameron Puetz said:
He's too noncommittal, leading off with "I wonder . . .". If you want to make it as an opinion writer, make a definitive statement and stick with it. No time for fact checking or leaving room for debate.
Kevin C said:Maybe you could start writing for the Sun-Times.
Adam Herstein said:I wonder which kills more people in IL, cars or guns. My bet would be on cars.
I never directly said that they all refuse to follow the law, but that the ones that don't follow the law are the ones complaining about suddenly having to follow it.
NYC said:
Adam was more committed here:
"Chicago NEEDS more stop signs and red light/speed cameras because motorists flat-out REFUSE to follow the laws of the road. Speeding, and running stop signs/red lights are rampant in this city. So now, the city is forcing them to follow the law, and they are all complaining about it."
He was able infer that all motorists REFUSE to follow the law and that they ALL complain. Now he can work there, yes?
Cameron Puetz said:He's too noncommittal, leading off with "I wonder . . .". If you want to make it as an opinion writer, make a definitive statement and stick with it. No time for fact checking or leaving room for debate.
Kevin C said:Maybe you could start writing for the Sun-Times.
Adam Herstein said:I wonder which kills more people in IL, cars or guns. My bet would be on cars.
Never mind. He's non-committal again.
Adam Herstein said:
I never directly said that they all refuse to follow the law, but that the ones that don't follow the law are the ones complaining about suddenly having to follow it.
NYC said:Adam was more committed here:
"Chicago NEEDS more stop signs and red light/speed cameras because motorists flat-out REFUSE to follow the laws of the road. Speeding, and running stop signs/red lights are rampant in this city. So now, the city is forcing them to follow the law, and they are all complaining about it."
He was able infer that all motorists REFUSE to follow the law and that they ALL complain. Now he can work there, yes?
Cameron Puetz said:He's too noncommittal, leading off with "I wonder . . .". If you want to make it as an opinion writer, make a definitive statement and stick with it. No time for fact checking or leaving room for debate.
Kevin C said:Maybe you could start writing for the Sun-Times.
Adam Herstein said:I wonder which kills more people in IL, cars or guns. My bet would be on cars.
I got a good chuckle out of the article. He can't be serious right? Oh wait, he is.
Complete drivel.
So true. So sad.
Daniel G said:
The reactionary's mind cannot be soothed and their fears cannot be assuaged. Their fears and self-righteousness are as central to their being as the hypothalamus. They are forever in cold war with anyone who is not a sworn ally. Do not give them a god-damned inch.
Yes, there is a war on the auto, because in the reactionary's mind, there is literally and positively no difference between "under-enthusiastic love and adoration" and "WAR".
Let us not forget about the war on Christmas. The Suntimes will blame this on cyclists as well.
Where can I sign up to fight the war on Christmas in July?
I'll try fox news. Never too early for an absurd and unfounded war.
Tony Adams said:
Where can I sign up to fight the war on Christmas in July?
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