It took me about 20 minutes to get ice tea and some food for my lunch. When I was coming back to work, these two women (see picture below) were still standing in the middle of the hallway, talking. They did move a couple of feet, though: when I say them on my way out, they were standing square in the center, people navigating around them.

WTF is wrong with people?

(It just happened that there was no one else down there when I snapped this photo; it usually is rather crowded.)

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Silly--it is all about them!

Just dance wildly in a circle around them.  When they ask WTF, tell them you're hexing them.  I guarantee they'll move away.  Quickly.


Thunder Snow said:

Just dance wildly in a circle around them.  When they ask WTF, tell them you're hexing them.  I guarantee they'll move away.  Quickly.

These are the same types who stand in the middle of the grocery store isle with their shopping carts looking blankly into a shelf of bread choices or walk away from their carts in the way of everyone else.

And the ones who get just through a revolving door - then stop, blocking anyone else from getting out.  Or the ones who get just beyond the top of the escalator - then stop.  Or those extra special morons who get just inside the doorway of a bus or train and stop, preventing people behind them from getting on.  Consider this a collective SMACK to all those *special* people.

Juan said:

These are the same types who stand in the middle of the grocery store isle with their shopping carts looking blankly into a shelf of bread choices or walk away from their carts in the way of everyone else.

Laying on the edge of the path?  For real?

Serge Lubomudrov said:

BTW, speaking about LFT . . . I thought I've seen it all: people standing in the middle of it, walking five abreast, even dancing waltz. But few days ago I passed by a guy LAYING across the shoulder of the trail, with his hand about a foot in the bike path. It was hot, so I stopped to check on him: who knows, may be he was having heart attack or something.

No. He was just drunk and chillin' there. Around noon on a weekday.

I have often thought about printing up some signs for those people:

"I am special; just ask me"  

Then I could just walk up to them and say "here's your sign".

On multiple occasions I've seen people set up lawn chairs in the protected bike lane adjacent to Garfield Park on the south side of Lake. That way they can keep their car window open and listen to the radio while they sun bathe in the bike lane. 

Hosing them down with water bottles might be an amusing wake-up.  ;)

Ash L. said:

On multiple occasions I've seen people set up lawn chairs in the protected bike lane adjacent to Garfield Park on the south side of Lake. That way they can keep their car window open and listen to the radio while they sun bathe in the bike lane. 

WTF is wrong with people?

It's not all that different than when cyclists pull into the ped walk at an intersection and force pedestrians to go around them, sometimes into traffic. I see it several times everyday.

Yes, those cyclists get a sign, too.  I could print some on sticky paper to put on their backs.
spencewine said:

WTF is wrong with people?

It's not all that different than when cyclists pull into the ped walk at an intersection and force pedestrians to go around them, sometimes into traffic. I see it several times everyday.


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