1) You put on your jeans and they already have the right leg rolled up.


2) You do laundry when you don't have any more clean bike shorts.







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S.Presley said:

LOL...and you know you are a cyclist when people quote your bike related comments on thechainlink.org :)

Julie Hochstadter said:

You consider "Parking Wars" the TV show, porn.

Full disclosure: I've never seen the show, but overheard this quote somewhere...

You know you are a cyclist when... You get tired of sitting upright, so you go into the drops - while at work, while sitting at your desk, while writing grants.

You cringe when you see a kid with his or her knees up to their chest riding a bike way too small.  

Or they just needs the seat raised.

You instinctively swerve toward the center line or into opposite lane when you see a car door about to open into the bike lane, although you are driving a car in the vehicle lane...


You live in Chicago yet get a gym membership in Skokie just so you can shower before work.

You fantasize about going faster... hmm if i can close the giant air scoop under my nose 30% would that help?

You can eat lots of donuts and fill the air scoop with a aerodynamic belly. Or you can stay skinny and lay back on a recumbent to get rid of that air scoop completely! 

Gerry G said:

You fantasize about going faster... hmm if i can close the giant air scoop under my nose 30% would that help?

You spend so little time in your car you have to remind yourself when you are behind the wheel that you're not on your bike and "No turn on red" really means just that.

After switching to a bike commute to work, it takes over a month to go through a tank of gas. What's not to love about that? 

You memorize Chicago streets by their potholes, THEN names.

You visibly wince when you see a spoke-protector.

You wake up in the middle of the night admonishing dream cars to use their &%$#*& turn signal.

As a passenger in a cab you have passionately argued with the driver about the rights of cyclists.

You've removed frozen pizzas from their box to make the groceries fit in your rack basket.

You've stopped a netflix movie to go back and see what kind of bike that was.

The sight of somebody's bike leaned against their cube on your first day of work at the new job confirms that you've made the right choice. Who cares what the job is, you can bring your bike inside.

I've since met two people in my department who ride to work and who've given me great tips: cyclists rock!

It looks like a hotel room so you never know.

h' said:

Is there more to this series?

Serge Lubomudrov said:

Your spouse has to pull you away from a heated discussion at a dinner party in which some guy is trying to get you to agree that when a cab is pulled over in the bike lane, it’s not the bicyclist’s right to go around the cab in the travel lane, but instead we’re supposed to stop and wait until the bike lane is clear again, because we’re “privileged” to be on the road. Sheesh.


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