Thanks to whomever swept my sidewalk . . .

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I'm surprised there aren't plastic chairs out there already.


Hey, has Rahm stated his official position on "dibs" yet??

Will Rahm become the next Bilandic? As of 7 am, Lincoln from Southport to Wells had not been salted.

Oh wait, it is not an election year...

I made the first tracks this morning!

"some people say this town don't look good in snow"
ARTIST: America TITLE: Ventura Highway

It was something like .2 inches -- I'm not too worried about salting and plowing yet.  

Duppie said:

Will Rahm become the next Bilandic? As of 7 am, Lincoln from Southport to Wells had not been salted.

Oh wait, it is not an election year...

I thought it was quite telling that the car lanes were completely clear and salted, and the bike lanes still had fresh, untouched powder on them (not counting the black goo thrown down by the cars). Not a good sign if we get more than a quarter inch of snow in the future, though. Time to put the knobby tires on I guess. :) 

hubbard was way over salted.


i already crashed tho.  some more fresh topcoating in a parking lot in the burbs.  that stuff is super slick when covered with water, even moreso with a slight snow coating.

I hear that.  Sometimes its the light snow days that are worse because the roads aren't always plowed since car traffic melts most of the snow, except in the bike lane.  Still, a relatively easy ride in, though extra cautious due to fear of the thin ice layer.  First day for my lobster gloves and balaclava too.

Melanie said:

I thought it was quite telling that the car lanes were completely clear and salted, and the bike lanes still had fresh, untouched powder on them (not counting the black goo thrown down by the cars). Not a good sign if we get more than a quarter inch of snow in the future, though. Time to put the knobby tires on I guess. :) 

Just a dusting here.  I should go out and sweep the sidewalk.

I'm loving it fenderless and wet assed


wig [ isaac ] said:

I'm loving it fenderless and wet assed

Awesome pugsleyness! I test rode one at Rapid Transit. Who needs shocks?

wig [ isaac ] said:

I'm loving it fenderless and wet assed


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