Haters gona hate (More from Mark Konkol on the Kinzie Protected Lane

Mark Konkol is back with some more of his crusade against the Kinzie Protected Lane.



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it sounds like all that guy does is drive up and down Kinzie all day. Maybe if we get him off the streets traffic wouldn't be so bad there.




Big Wimpy Motorists

milesperhour said:




What a whiner!
Somehow I think if there were more meetings to get feedback, he'd be against every single sort of change that didn't directly benefit him.

Well aparently the roads were ment to be used only by him and people he knows.


Big White Male?

Guess which one is Mark Konkol

milesperhour said:




"So why the big push for ugly, congestion-causing bike lanes?"


Yep a bike lane causes congestion esp. on Kinzie where it goes from 2 lanes 1 then back to 2 then...


He looks like he'd start sweating in 60 degrees.




I'm pretty sure his hate stems from the fact that he sees them every day on his way to the Sun time offices maybe he should stop driving to work if traffic delay is that bad.  

His argument in regards to shootings is moot.


People are going to shoot each other regardless if there is $28 million more available for police officers or gear. 


Putting in a bike lane is permanent with a direct correlation to safety. 


After seeing the  photo of him I understand why he's so angry. I would be too

I think its funny how a Pultizer Prize Winner (is that for him or the newspaper? I really don't care) Writes a "story" like a facebook rant. Do they give those prizes to anybody now? I think a few chainlinkers deserve one then.



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