the taste of chicago is upon us, and starting tomorrow (Friday 24th), bike will not be allowed on metra through the 4th.


make alternate plans.


even though the fest is in the afternoon, and herds of people dont go outbound to the 'taste', metra has blocked all bikes on all trains, including a.m. outbound. this of course, makes no sense to me. they just created a blanket 'no' statement to avoid any questions. 


last year, i took daily photos of both outbound in inbound trains to show the vast vacancy at the ADA seats where bikes go.  only friday pm inbound was there any major ridership - but no more than your usual cubs or sox game ridership.  unfortunately, metra does not accept emails and i could never forward those pictures.  i wish they would reevaluate their stance on the blanket 'no' statement.


luckily, im outta town for next week.

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I'm under the impression that that rule already exists. Bikes are secondary citizens on metra. If people need seats, we gotta go.
I think it is actually the other way around. During off-peak hours people sitting on the folding seats may be requested to move if you show up with your bike

iggi said:
I'm under the impression that that rule already exists. Bikes are secondary citizens on metra. If people need seats, we gotta go.

I had no idea Metra had so many problems.

As it stands, bikes and bikers can be put off the train at the conductor's discretion.  I believe some bikers have reported they were refused boarding at an outer terminal because the conductor felt the space would be needed further in by non-biking passengers. 


On some European systems, you purchase a ticket for your bike.  Although I don't like the idea of paying more, I *do* like the idea of being able to purchase a ticket that couldn't be refused.   And extra revenue might give Metra the incentive to sell the service more--and maybe even pop out those silly seats.  





Ethan and Active Trans,

Thank you again for all your help!

Active Transportation Alliance said:

We think it's great that the community (y'all) is excited about creating change with Metra.


We're close to launching a new transit campaign focusing on riders (all of us) to come together about improving local transit.


And of course, we'll continue working to get these ideas to the Metra leadership. We hope that we'll be able to talk to them later this summer.



Ethan Spotts, Active Trans

My experience has been mixed.  Some passengers are very considerate and move immediately when they see me come into the car with a bike.  Others will politely move if I politely ask them.  Sometimes a conductor senses when people will be uncooperative and asks them before I do, then they move.  Situations like what M.A.R.K. describes have been relatively rare for me. 


It seems that many regular passengers have gotten used to seeing bikes on the trains and they understand the routine.  Occasional or first-time riders can be more of a problem.

Conductors on the runs I usually take have gotten used to seeing me on the train with my bike, and some of them are very helpful.  There are so many bikes on the Rock Island in the course of an average week that getting cooperation is much easier now compared to a couple of years ago.

M.A.R.K. said:

I have encountered that problem more then enough times.. And was always treated like second class, or a butthole, in choice of other wording, when(apologetically) taking their spots on the train. 

Duppie said:
I think it is actually the other way around. During off-peak hours people sitting on the folding seats may be requested to move if you show up with your bike

iggi said:
I'm under the impression that that rule already exists. Bikes are secondary citizens on metra. If people need seats, we gotta go.

I don't see it here in the discussion..but officially Metra is not refusing bikes on June 27th through June 30th. At least according to their Taste of Chicago schedule.

On this link on their website it says :


Metra Bicycle Policy 2011
For 2011, bicycles are permitted on all weekday trains arriving in Chicago after 9:30 A.M. and leaving Chicago before 3:00 P.M. and after 7:00 P.M., and on all weekend trains, with the following exceptions:

  • All days during Taste of Chicago (June 24 - July 4)
  • Lollapalooza (August 5 - 7)
  • Air & Water Show (August 20 & 21)


Eric said:

I don't see it here in the discussion..but officially Metra is not refusing bikes on June 27th through June 30th. At least according to their Taste of Chicago schedule.
Yes, they have pages that contradict each other.

Well, don't I feel stupid! I knew there was a reason why I failed the 3rd grade! Kidding of course.


Thanks guys for clearing that up. I got excited for a little while!



Don't forget this weekend's bike blackout due to Lollapalooza. 

I'm a little frustrated by the way Metra handles their "blackout" dates. How does travelling to the suburbs in the morning on Friday conflict with Lolla? Why not have meaningful and specific trains that are under the blackout instead of taking the blanket approach and not letting any bikes on at all? It wouldn't be that complicated to allow bikes on during certain times.

Anne Alt said:

Don't forget this weekend's bike blackout due to Lollapalooza. 


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