If you see a guy riding a bike with all kinds of bells, whistles, stuffed animals, gadgets, gizmos, etc. on his bike tooling down the bike path and stopping to sweep up debris, glass, sand, etc., make sure to say 'hi' to him as he is the 'Hi Guy' for those who don't know. I was out on the path today and saw him sweeping sand off the bike path. This is an honorable gentleman who does this out of the kindness of his heart and he deserves a shout of encouragement from all of us. You will see his chalk greetings all over the bike path as he was very busy today.

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I know who he is! For years I saw his "hi guy" written in chalk on the path, but I never knew who he was. I just saw him for the first time a couple of weeks ago!
Hi Guy is great. You should check out his website. Apparently he's run 154 marathons in sandals since 2000!
That is one seriously densely packed website!

Dr. Doom said:
Hi Guy is great. You should check out his website. Apparently he's run 154 marathons in sandals since 2000!
He has great teeth.
The site gave me a seizure! I'm not clickin' on anything! ;-)
Hi Guy is awesome. I chatted with him a bit on top of the sledding hill recently... he seemed a bit down. Hope I cheered him up a little.
I had heard that too that he lives in the suburbs but I always see his bike parked downtown just outside the west loop....I find it hard to believe this guy is riding and/or metra'ing it into town this frequently...

M.A.R.K. said:
HI Guy get's around that's for sure.. He is all over the place and you never know when or where you will run into him.

A native and current resident of Arlington Hts. if I'm not mistaken.
I'm on the lookout, practicing the right tone of "hi" I will use.
I haven't seen the Hi Guy in a while, but I've usually spotted him in the Loop.
I saw him on the LFP a few weeks ago. I said "hi!" and he started serenading me a little tune to the effect of "Hi Bike guy" over and over till I couldn't hear him anymore.
M.A.R.K. said:
HI Guy get's around that's for sure.. He is all over the place and you never know when or where you will run into him.

A native and current resident of Arlington Hts. if I'm not mistaken.

I've seen him exit the train at AH before. My suspicion is he does live there.
"Hi Guy" is awesome. I have been riding the LFT for over ten years! And I see him out there all the time. Just this Sunday I saw him twice in two different locations. The second time, he was north of North Ave. beach, shoveling all the sand drifts off the trail. I was with a small gang of riders and we all told him how awesome he was! I think we almost made him cry.

I see him a lot during the day on weekdays, so he must have plenty of money set aside to live on? He's always out there and brightens my day. We should elect him the Ambassador of the LFT!


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