Yes. Rode in on one of the new Divvy's since my bike is laid up at the moment. Took city streets.
Kudos to Divvy! Their new bike is much more nimble, has variable speed due to belt drive. I would say about 20% more efficient than the older model.
Are the new Divvy bikes lighter? I haven't seen a new model roll out in DC yet. We have the same older Divvy model, just painted red.
Lighter, yes. I'm not sure how much, but less unwieldy.
I had the sun in my eyes this morning. Still chilly but nice to feel the sun on my face. Yesterday, when I was loading my bike into the elevator, a woman I occasionally see on the elevator was asking interested questions about my bike riding. It was incredibly sweet. For the most part, people are kind especially when they realize I have a way to minimize the amount of space my bike takes up. I've shifted my hours so I can leave at 4:30 while it's still a little light out. I'm going to try to come to work a little earlier next week...
Yep. Nice tailwind.
I did. My bike finally repaired so off the Divvys. Nice 46 degrees on an overcast morning.
Lots of bikers out. We may be fighting some rain this afternoon...
Yes. Even with temps in the teens there were a good number of bikers on the LFP.
I expected a little ice here and there since there was quite a bit of moisture on the way home last night. Nope, the cold wind had dried everything out nicely!
no yet, will ride after finish work
So, coming home last night (Northbound) on LFP, just at Oak Street curve, a guy 50 yards in front of me spilled on black ice. We both turned around and took to the streets at Chicago Ave.
This morning as I was approaching Oak Street saw police boat and fire trucks at the curve. Checked the Trib when I got to work and saw that a truck that was out there laying salt slid into the lake! Be careful out ice, any ice for that matter could be life threatening.
Here's a news report of that truck going into the lake as shown on video from at least two cameras. These guys were lucky and bailed. It's a judgement call for the driver of course, bail or save the truck, and whoever it was wisely observed the truck couldn't be saved and got out with the passenger, totally made the right call, no question. - check it out:
I did. Probably the nicest day of the week. Oak Street curve on LFP open this morning. Lots of salt there...
This morning was gross. My ride was wet with some slush on the road but not enough (even by DC standards) to justify working from home so I rode today. I am disappointed in Winter for not bringing any meaningful precipitation to the DC area so I can get a work from home day out of it. Btw, the schools are closed because DC.
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