I've seen lots of rear-mounted child carriers but I already have a crate in the back.  Anyone have any experience with front carriers?  Have one to sell to me?  Thanks!

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yai, would you be interested in this? As a loyal long time Chainlinker you can have it for free if you're interested. Put a basket on your front handlebars. PM me if you want the Rhode Gear Child Carrier. A Stella Artois 19oz would be a good gratuity. Click on the link below: it is the carrier,  ?


Thanks for the offer Tom!  I have my heart set on a front mounted carrier, but I'll message you if your marketplace post is still up.

Okay yai, good luck. Of course, follow what your heart is set on. The offer will be there if no other Chainlinker parent wants it.

I saw and liked the picture you just posted. I'm sure that the carrier would attach securely with that rear rack. I also noticed that you have a double kickstand like Jordan M recommended. That's great to balance the bike with a child.

Good luck on your search. 

Been using Yepp nexxt mini since kid was 1 yr old. Love having him in front - great to share experience! Kid loves watching,p  talking, ringing bell, etc. It fits better on some bikes than others - I would prefer a longer wheel base or stepthru frame - as I have mine now, there isn't much room so I had to mash the seat down low so I can step to ground while sitting because there isn't space to hop off seat when stopped. And then my knees bump the back a little. Also, I needed to make an extra little buckle cause shoulder straps were falling off (first pic). Other details: It should work with threaded or threadless stems but the base would interfere with brakes if you had cantis that drop through the stem directly in front of steering tube. You can remove quickly with lock and leave base attached to stem.

OMG, what a little cutie!  Is it weird that I never learned to dismount without hopping off the saddle?  I tried to train myself to put a foot a down when I got a bike with a coaster brake and never managed to.  Yes, I want a front seat to experience all that with my little nephew!  Good to know you can set up the seat and a front basket.  Any tips on steering with weight in the front?  Thanks for the photos.  

The weight up front is very easy to get used to, especially since it's over the frame and not in front or behind the main triangle. My kid is close to 30 lbs and steering is far less squirrelly than it is with 30 lbs in a front rack. Really the only issues are making sure it fits right. I also strongly suggest a double kickstand to make loading/unloading kiddo much easier (second pic).  And of course price - the yepp's seem really overpriced - hopefully there are some gently used ones out there.

I have an iBert that i want to part with.  Got through a few kids with it and liked having them in front because it was easier to hear and talk with them than in the back.  (Though the Burley was my favorite.)

I've been meaning to clear this out for awhile so I'd offer it at low price to  you or anyone else who reads this.  Msg me if interested.

Thanks Brian, sorry for late reply. I actually bought an iBert on Facebook Marketplace shortly after starting this post.  My nephew is about 25 lbs right now and riding with him in the front is so fun.  Turning is a little rough, but I do have a spring stabilizer for the handlebars so it's less wobbly.  If you don't get any bites here, I highly suggest putting it on Facebook Marketplace!   I got the old model that  unfortunately doesn't have the cute steering wheel.

If safety is a priority, The American Academy of Pediatrics had apparently remarked that it's preferable for a child to ride in a bicycle trailer rather than a front or rear-mounted bicycle seat because “a young passenger on an adult’s bike makes the bike unstable and increases braking time.” They point out that an accident with a bicycle-mounted seat can cause significant injury to a child.  I can imagine - if a child's helmeted head falls from 4.5 feet versus not really falling in the accident while in a trailer, I get the physics of it. 

Myself, I'm not advocating a bike trailer either.  They're wider than the bike, and remarkably but perhaps understandably, people forget they have them in terms of the need for more width, and bad things happen.


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