photo credit: David P

WGN Photo

Desira Miller was riding home with her boyfriend Friday night around 11 p.m. at Belmont and Central when a CTA bus turning left ran into Desira breaking her leg, arm, rib, and fracturing her skull.

Is anyone interested in doing a short YouTube video on how to accurately make an identifiable notation of a CTA bus, run and driver? It seems purposely confusing to keep the driver anonymous and free from blame.

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My initial observation of this media story was of amazement. Back in the early days, the media  paid no attention whatsoever to cyclists or incidents involving them except to bitch about what to do about bike messengers and their companies. So I guess today any type of story by the media recognizing that we are legitimate users of the roadways is an accomplishment. As for enforcement and justice we have a looong way to go in this city. Maybe it is time for an expressive CCM ride on Friday 8-31-18. Be there!

Note: this happened at Central Park, not Central. The #77 Belmont bus is detoured down Kimball and up Milwaukee and Central Park before turning left back onto Belmont due to sewer work on Belmont just west of Kimball that has closed the street. 

This is awful. I hope she recovers quickly.

A few weeks ago a bus passed me going North on Kimball around Wabansia within an inch of my life so when I caught up to him I let him know that he needs to give me three feet and if he cannot do that then he has to wait until it's safe to pass me. I tried to be the most polite I could be about this. He responded by saying "Why would I do that?" to which I said "well sir, it's the law" and he said "that's stupid, you're a bike, I'm a bus, I'm not waiting for a bike", as if the size of the bus somehow gave precedent over anyone else on the road? 

While it's not surprising for Chicago, it's really frightening that folks operating huge automobiles all day for a living are so ignorant about right of way (or don't care?). Maybe CTA would respond to petitioning for more rigorous safety exams? 

I am glad that you told the bus driver about the 3-foot law. It's too bad he seemed to pay you no heed.

It is hard to think of these things in the moment--and it's impressive that you had the presence of mind even to speak up at all--but if it happens again I would write down the bus number (not the route number but the number on the back of the bus) and if possible (since you were speaking to the driver) the driver's number (on their sleeve I believe). That way you can submit feedback directly to the CTA. They should care. And if they don't, at least you have created a record that god forbid could be useful to someone else someday.

EDIT: Whoops, I didn't see mike and Anne's comments below since they weren't threaded to this comment. My mistake!

I actually intended to report it but then got apathetic about it however thinking about it again now after this accident makes me feel like I really have no choice other than to report it.

Luckily I still remembered the bus number and was able to figure out which day it was based on my Strava. I hope something comes of it.

I'm not sure if the bus driver can be identified through the painted bus number on the back of the bus. I know for sure that they can identify by the combo of date, time, route number and run # (digital number in lower corner of windshield - or shown in Transit app, as mentioned in my previous comment below).

Similarly, if you have an incident involving an on-duty police officer, the combination of date, time and beat # (black & white number tag on top of the light bar on the car's roof, NOT license plate or painted # on car) can be used to identify the officer if a report is made.

The number I provided was the number that is permanently fixed on the back of the bus, not sure if that is enough to identify the driver. Based on their reply today, it sounds like they have enough information to escalate the complaint to a 'Senior Manager', unsure if this is just lip service however. 

I'm thinking about submitting a FOIA request for details about training procedures around bike safety and how or even if successive/ongoing training occurs, I suspect that the training isn't as robust as it could be. Maybe ATA can do something with it? 

That's worth a try. I know that Active Trans developed some training videos several years ago. I wonder if those are still in regular use.

Video (12:35)

Is anyone interested in doing a short YouTube video on how to accurately make an identifiable notation of a CTA bus, run and driver? It seems purposely confusing to keep the driver anonymous and free from blame.

Charlie - Thanks for sharing that. 

Anne - I cannot confirm that they are still using this video but I know that they were showing it as recently as two years ago.


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