Oregon State University has this survey to see how scared/unscared you are of automated cars. Take it, if you have the guts. 


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Interesting. My only real concern is communicating with the vehicle as a cyclist, otherwise, if they follow laws and are outfitted with comprehensive sensors, they should do a much better job of paying attention than a human.

My general concern is how well will all the sensors/detectors/cameras function in foul weather? Think about snow storms, icing, and general muck that cakes on a car.

 They may work well enough when the weather is fair and dry, but how about in a downpour or blizzard?

Presumably, they'll slow to speeds the conditions allow. Visual sensors are generally inside the cabin behind the windscreen, so the wipers would clear them. Radar is generally unaffected, IR cameras can make use of rotating windows like a ship, and LIDAR data can be effectively filtered to remove the noise from snow/rain.

The biggest plus I see is that the car has no ego. It doesn't have to prove that it's a hardened (insert any region in which it snows) driver that doesn't need to slow down for no stinkin' blizzard.

In theory they should work fine provided that the sensors aren't covered in mud/snow. 'No worse than the a**hats that drive around in their cars covered in snow with 4 square inches of windshield cleared.

All that technology...

So many things vulnerable to glitches...

"Presumably, they'll slow to speeds the conditions allow." -Big presumption.

i predict that autonomous cars will have a hard time catching on: they will obey speed limits.

Taking ego out of the equation will take the "enjoyment" out of the "driving experience."

Enjoyment of driving? You mean sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic for 90 minutes coming in from the airport? Mindless stop and go traffic in the city? No thanks. I'll gladly turn over the duties of urban driving to the computers to I can catch up on some reading, or take a short nap.

Now, put me on a twisty road in the mountains with a six speed and we're talking a different animal. That's driving.

But mostly that exists in car commercials, not IRL...

Can't take it- women only now.

I, for one, welcome the advent of our new robotic, motorized overlords.

 But only if they're equipped with sensors that cause them to stop immediately when we scream for our lives if we're endangered.

Ha, the survey is limited to women only now... i thought you meant that you couldn't stand any more of this discussion!

I am a little skeptical after the Tempe crash. Less ego sounds like an improvement but if they don't pay attention to their own lidar?

That said, it'd be neat if by the time i retire in 20 years, i could sell my house and buy an all-electric robot RV that will putter from one campsite to the next while i ride my bike.

Well, I'll say that as much as I'm excited about the rise of automated cars, I hope Uber isn't a part of it. Move fast and break things doesn't carry when those things are human beings.


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