Yesterday at the Mayor's Bicycle Advisory Council they mentioned bike lane parking/driving is hard to enforce because it's a game of "wack a mole". They also mentioned if they knew the target areas to focus on i.e. the worst bike lane locations for parking/blocking, they could do a better job of focusing on those areas. So, let's help them. What do you see are your worst, most frustrating sections of the bike lanes in the city that drivers use to park, trucks use to unload, etc. 

Example - One of my least favorite bike lane sections is Wells between North Avenue and Division because there are so many restaurants but no loading zones so the bike lane is one big loading zone. I've seen this at all times during the day. I think the solution is to provide some designated areas for loading in addition to enforcement because trucks truly do need locations to do their deliveries. 

What are your least favorite stretches of bike lanes?

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Related - Streetsblog Chicago's thoughts on the meeting are up. What do you think?

I was at the meeting too. Super disappointing when I said "I am doing everything you've told me to do and there has been no improvement. What else can we do?" the response was basically "just keep doing what you're doing...its human nature [to park in the bike lane]"

I'm thinking we might want to start turning out in force to police district meetings and grilling them on why they won't enforce anything, starting with district 1 since it covers a lot of problem areas downtown.  

My problem area is Harrison, east of desplaines in front of the grey hound station. Usually four or five cars parked there.  Also, usually three or four cars parked in front of the street east of canal. 

Wait, what?!?!?! So, ummm, why create bike lanes in the first place if human nature is for drivers to just use them whenever they want?!?!? 

Wow. I can't even.

I just hope it's human nature to work to elect a mayor who will appoint a CDOT commissioner with a some real vision. We'll find out in a couple years.

That would require someone like that to run...

I have talked with the principles at Golder Charter School about parents parking in the bike lane along Noble and Augusta.  They even block traffic coming off 90/94 up onto the ramp.  With each new season, the process starts all over again.  I have asked driver to get out of the bike alne with some nasty responses (I know now that any nasty response it treated with a 911 call).  This should be part of their new school year set up - where to pick up students.  They have no arrangements, no real parking area - they forgot to put it in their design.  This is want happens when you use a 1890s building with a student population far exceeding its design and layout.  Students do not seem to be encouraged to use public or bivyvle transportation.

Nancy L. Fagin

'Whacky' the CDOT cat.

Is there a formal process (form, email, 311, etc.) to submit this information?

Wells is definitely up there. Often I see people in the bike lane when there's a parking space near by which is extra infuriating. 

Most of Milwaukee (I bike from north/damen to the loop) because of all the construction.

Elston going north of Milwaukee tends to have a lot of vans and commercial vehicles in it. 

Clark going north especially as you near Wrigley Field, especially if there's a game. I wish all those people directing traffic could direct it out of the bike lanes. 

I want to call bullsh*t on this.  I bike to work 4 days/week and am all around River North/Streetervile and I NEVER see enforcement of bike lane violations.  I have called in, pleaded with cops in their cars, to no avail.  Last week I was hit by a car on Carroll Street (not hurt) and a cop car didn't come for an hour and I had to let the driver go (yes I wouldn't let him leave!).

Until their is enforcement of this law behavior will  not change. On Clark Street in the bus lane South of Diversey people park in it without a second thought.  

By the way the fine for violations is $150 and a tow - I checked the municipal code last week. If drivers knew they would get a ticket - and God forbid a tow - they would never risk it.  As it is, the chances are negligible one will get caught.

For those of you interested, I would like to get a group together to figure out how we can effectively lobby CPD, CDOT and others to take action on this. Power in numbers.  

Ugh. Glad you are ok but that sounds like it was a nightmare. 

Please count me in. 

Yes it really was.  

Carroll Street is the underground street which runs under Kinzie. I didn't know the street had a name so perhaps that's what confused the police. I did explain my  location ten times to the dispatcher though.  

If we get a few more people interested perhaps we can meet next week.  The issue is not just one of biker convenience. I'm convinced there will be serious bike accidents if this issue is not addressed in a reasonable amount of time.  And with all credit to ActivTrans and their "clearthelane" initiative, there won't be changed behavior until enforcement kicks in.

By the way I do know the difference between "their" and "there."  Forgive my sloppiness in my initial post. :)


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