Critical Mass discussion


Critical Mass discussion

For discussing anything Critical Mass. Your loves, your hates, things you would like to see more or less of, theory, hooligans.. Any topic open for discussion

Location: Chicago
Members: 261
Latest Activity: May 30

Discussion Forum

SUGGESTED map for October 2015 1 Reply

Started by Bob Kastigar. Last reply by Andrew Bedno Oct 26, 2015.

April 2014 Critical Mass 1 Reply

Started by Lisa Sanzenbacher. Last reply by Andrew Bedno Nov 22, 2013.

May Critical Mass - Ride/After Party 5 Replies

Started by Ms. Red [Jessy Doolin]. Last reply by Zotex - Scott E. Long May 25, 2013.

Critical Mass Videos 6 Replies

Started by Aaron Bussey. Last reply by Barbra Mann Nov 4, 2012.

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Comment by Bob Kastigar on March 11, 2010 at 4:35am
I think Howard has expressed a real concern, which he's entitled to do in the real spirit of anarchism which models the Critical Mass.

Anyone who suggest that he go away and start a different program doesn't understand how anarchism, and the Critical Mass, actually works.

This is not a democracy. We don't depend on majority rule.
Comment by Andrew Bedno on March 11, 2010 at 4:18am
The biggest drag on the momentum of CM is Howard Kaplan. There, I said it. Why don't you go start a South Side mass.
Comment by globalguy on March 11, 2010 at 2:17am
Kinda' the personality of a Bitch Slap...
Comment by Todd Allen on March 10, 2010 at 7:28pm
What an amazingly novel idea Howard! Why I don't think Critical Mass has ever come up North through Logan Square.

It's a shame nobody lives on the Southwest side. I guess we won't ever be able to go there.
Comment by Todd Allen on March 10, 2010 at 6:08pm
My vote would be to leave the "hilarity" in the map but not in the route.

That is do the "Google" maps thing. Create the map. Ride the route. Fix the route. And then make the final map for the ride showing the Google route and the needed corrections.

If other folks like this idea, all that is needed now is a list of points to feed the beast. I'm expecting things like Viagara triangle, Damen & North ave., etc. but if I get another vote I think it is time for a ride southwest into the scary no-bike-shops-zone.
Comment by Reddog (Cliff) on March 10, 2010 at 4:56pm
Using technology as a tool for planing is OK, just pre-ride the route yourself beforehand so that appropriate changes can be made.
a little recon goes a long way.
Comment by Steven Lane on March 10, 2010 at 4:55pm
Spontaneous unplanned rides can have sucky moments just like untested planned routes. Not too long ago everyone on the ride got off their bikes and walked up stairs to the plaza of the IBM building, which left a few people behind (trailers, trikes, etc.) I believe that was unplanned, and it was kinda cool, but it was ultimately pretty thoughtless as it excluded a few people. In my way of thinking, excluding fellow cyclists is the most unMasslike thing you could do, but I still think it was cool that everyone just spontaneously walked up the stairs.

I would agree it's pretty lame to over plan rides, but routeless rides tend to make just as many blunders as nerdy map freaks do. I have made many blunders due to Google maps, but I have also found things zooming in on a Google map that I wouldn't have never come across in my day to day travels. Yes, you need to do the due diligence of test riding your armchair discoveries, but don't be afraid to use a map to help you think outside the box of your own neighborhood.

I would also agree collaborating with people is the best way to plan a ride. Even though we like the idea that anyone can step up and propose a route, if you have worked with no one on planning your route, you have very little chance of getting the help needed to guide a thousand cyclists (or even a few hundred.)

Google can't truly replicate an on the street view of a route. Test riding on a Friday evening taking in pedestrians, cta, and car traffic is the only way to know for sure. It is an easy pitfall to just open a Google map and start playing connect the dots, but the main idea is that you are documenting your thinking and sharing it with others.

It doesn't mean your ideas are sound, or that people will actually pay attention, or, even better, start synthesizing opinions and, OMG, COLLABORATE!

Yeah, it ultimately comes down to solid ideas and people to pull it off, but people need help organizing their thoughts and communicating with others. Don't toss the baby out with the bath water, Google maps is an indispensable tool, and collaboration features keep improving, way too much potential to ignore.

Comment by Ryan on March 10, 2010 at 2:52pm
But those were automated machines creating routes for people using automated machines. This is supposedly an automated machine tailored to people using simple machines. I think it sounds fun... a google ride.

It could be the log(Google) ride and it could last exactly 100 minutes.... but that's kinda short.

2log(GoogleBikeMap) Ride ?
Comment by Chuck a Muck on March 10, 2010 at 1:34pm
Oh Howard why must you be the voice of reason and a buzz kill to boot?!?
Comment by Chuck a Muck on March 10, 2010 at 12:55pm
Thats the best Idea I've heard in awhile!
Google map it!

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