Buon Giorno a tutti!!

Plans for May's critical mass are in the works as well as an after party where the mass can end.  This will be the first time planning a ride & we would love comments, suggestions & ideas to make it great! The building/studios where the mass will end is having an art project/display all month and we want to create a great place to end the mass & kick off summer!

Tell us what you think!

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We is: myself (Ms. Red), the Dj for the party (Nate Carter) as well as a few others that also have studio space located in the building.  And yes we have all ridden Mass before in the warm & cold months. The intent is to have great weather so we can be outside in our back enclosed area with a fire pit and unlimited bike parking space.  It's warehouse space that has been turned into artists studios.  There is plenty of inside space but we will also be talking to other studios that share our back area to open up inside space as well. But the goal is great weather to be outside dancing & jamming!  And yes we know how many riders come to the warm months and we are prepared, we just want feed back, of good & bad, advice from anyone & everyone.  Plus we just want to put it out there and start planning so this can be a great Mass!

Andrew & Willow both suggested to make in known that I am looking to lead the Mass in May.  I am aware that there could be other routes as well, so they suggested to post discussions to; The ChainLink, CriticalMass.org, etc. so others are aware and can lend ideas to a first timer.  

Ex. Don't go to this road, Go here, Keep in mind about this. 

It's been a while since the Mass has gone down Clark around Wriglyville.  I always enjoy saying "Happy Friday" to all the eccentrics who enjoy thier beverages there.  Maybe the May Mass will squeeze in this section of Clark for the route!?!?!  "burp!"  :-P


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