Map route for September to Greater Chicago food depository September is Hunger action month and CCM 16th anniversary

The greater Chicago food depository will be on hand to collect cans of food from us,cash donations,or credit card donations. They will also give a quick tour of the place. Still working on 2nd part of the map.

September 27,2013
Bike ride Daley Plaza 6pm

North on DEARBORN turn right
East on WACKER Dr turn right
South on COLUMBUS turn right
West on RANDOLPH turn left
South on MICHIGAN DR turn right
West on HARRISON turn left
South on CANAL turn right
West on 16th st turn left
South on HALSTED turn left
NorthEast on ARCHER turn right
East on 24TH PL turn left
North on WENTWORTH turn right
East on CERMAK follow around
McCORMICK PLACE changes to
South on KING DR turn right
West on 31ST ST turn left
South on STATE ST turn left
West on 35TH ST turn left
RAILROAD track stay right
South on IRON ST turn left
West on 37TH ST turn left
South on DAMEN
West on PERSHING RD turn left
SouthWest on ARCHER AVE turn left
South on CALIFORNIA AVE turn right
West on POPE JOHN PAUL 2 turn left
SouthWest on ARCHER AVE turn right
West on 47TH ST turn right
North on KILDARE turn right
East on 42ND PL

Drop off food. Make Donations. Take quick tour.

Start 2nd part...

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This is the second leg of the ride. Going all the way north to EdgeUP fest. For artists Kuramoto Model (1000'fireflies)

Part 2 going up North
Leave Greater Chicago Food Depository
East on 40TH ST turn left
North on PULASKI turn right
East on 31ST turn left
A few RAILROAD crossing pay ATTENTION
North on CALIFORNIA turn right
East on 30TH ST turn left
North on CALIFORNIA BLVD turn left
West on 24TH BLVD turns into
North MARSHALL go thru
North on SACRAMENTO DR turn right
East on HARRISON turn left
North on WESTERN AVE turn right
East on MADISON ST go past
North on WOOD ST turn right
East on CHICAGO AVE turn left
North on ASHLAND AVE turn left
NorthWest on MILWAUKEE AVE turn right
North on DAMEN AVE go over bridge
East on BELMONT turn left
North on HALSTED turn left
West on ADDISON turn right
North on SHEFFIELD turn left
West on WAVELAND turn left
SouthEast on CLARK turn left
West on BARRY turn right
North on SOUTHPORT turn left
North on CLARK turn right
East on WILSON to Flats studio
1050 W WILSON just past BROADWAY
The EdgeUP Festival

I wouldn't be too concerned about a return route.  While not an ideal destination, you can do an Orange Line return to the loop from 51st and Pulaski station and there are a lot of restaurants along Pulaski on the way to 51st Street.  The Pink Line is also a station at 21st and Pulaski.


Thanks to everyone who showed up for the ride. The Greater Chicago food depository had a great time and would like to do it again in the spring

I thought this was a nice long route. While I think the food donation is very kind hearted and should be encouraged, the logistics of a tour idea were not well thought out IMO. From my standpoint, it seemed that most people who had donations wanted to drop them off then hit the road. Furthermore, from what I observed and the murmurs I heard, 90% of that crowd was not interested in a tour, and wanted to take off. The crowd seemed to be left confused and worried about a means to get back to the Northside. I hope I didn't ruin any plans, but upon seeing this and waiting for a decent period of time, I was the one that took the initiative to yell everyone to continue and charge down Pulaski to continue (quite empowering if I may say so). What are you thoughts on this?

Some pictures from the start of the Critical Mass ride last Friday: 9/27/13:


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