Number 9 and 3 are so closely linked.

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Love it, thanks!

Satire is lost on some people...

10. you miss out on the sense of camaraderie from bitching about your commute with co-workers

Very well-written satire :)

I get the satire, but it's still annoying. Then again, what did I expect from the Huffington Post?


11. There won't be enough time left to check out the daily Kardashian update in the side-boob panel on HuffPo.

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

I get the satire, but it's still annoying. Then again, what did I expect from the Huffington Post?

adam - how could this POSSIBLY be annoying ??? c'mon lighten up a bit !!! p-u-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-e-z-e !!!!

loosen your tie and roll up your sleeves and get out the festivus pole. I am not going to air any grievences is too short !!! (no feats of 'strenth' either - ha ha ha)


D. Cooke

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

I get the satire, but it's still annoying. Then again, what did I expect from the Huffington Post?

When I would ride in the summer I always got asked what I would do when it got cold? What could I say but "wear a coat"!?

You are welcome!

h' 1.0 said:

Love it, thanks!

There are some who will watch the Colbert Report and simply cannot handle his conservative bent. I suspect those same folks will be bothered by this article. 


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