Whiny CBS 2 Chicago Report on the Dearborn Bike Lane Remodeling



Slightly whiny and jaded report from CBS2's Derrick Blakley and comments from the never-bike-friendly Rob Johnson. 

The Dearborn bike path reconstruction project to cost 1.2 million dollars.

"The concrete curbs make it much more difficult for vehicles to be able to enter and obstruct the bike lane," said Jim Merrell of the ATA.

"The Dearborn bike lane is being upgraded from Polk Street to Kinzie and cost almost $1.2 million. The city says around 800 cyclists use the Dearborn Bikeway for the p.m. rush, which comes out to $1,500 per cyclist."

The money comes from a federal grant, not local taxes, but as Derrick Blakley notes and Rob Johnson smugly agrees, 'they are your tax dollars.' 

Gee, they must never rework any roads for vehicular traffic ever?

I heard the live radio promo Friday evening on AM78 and Rob Johnson was really playing it up to the vehicle drivers how much of a waste of taxpayers money this was and not necessary for the added safety of cyclists. IMO, Rob Johnson is getting in the John Kass cyclist lovers category. 

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I don't know about Derrick Blakley, but this line from Rob Johnson's bio on the CBS 2 website says all we need to know: "Rob and his wife, Stacy, live with their son in the western suburbs".

They must drive an S.U.V. perhaps.

I heard the live radio promo Friday evening on AM78 and Rob Johnson was really playing it up to the vehicle drivers how much of a waste of taxpayers money this was and not necessary for the added safety of cyclists. IMO, Rob Johnson is getting into the John Kass' cyclists lovers category. 

Gotta be either a BMW, Audi or Mercedes Benz SUV. I actually saw a Maserati SUV once. I'm holding out for the Lamborghini SUV with the gull wing doors or the Bugatti model which tops out at 250 mph, very useful for getting the kids to soccer practice on time. I'd read that the Porsche model was so successful that the company became concerned that it would tarnish their image as a sporty performance car manufacturer. 

"or the Bugatti model which tops out at 250 mph, very useful for getting the kids to soccer practice on time"


Lamborghini SUV already exists! The $$$ Porsche makes off Cayennes and Macans is what allows them to continue to build and sell everything else, and charge you $1000 for wrapping the air vents in leather. Apologies after the fact for car content! :)

Yes, the article is negatively biased, but I am so happy to hear that they are upgrading the Dearborn lane.  It was starting to get a little rough in many places.  Good to hear.

No one is forcing you to ride in the PBL.  Ride in the street if you want Forester's "Effective Cycling".  But a lot of riders feel safer with a concrete curb between them and the traffic.  Not everyone rides like you.

I take your point.  Do you think that bike lanes as a whole are a net negative?  I can see arguments both ways, but I do like them, particularly the buffered ones.

> Normally we do.  Cars do not crash into other cars; pickups do not side-swipe SUVs

Are you joking?

Vehicular cycling is the best solution where there is not too much fast car traffic.  There it works great!  But mixing very fast cars with relatively slow bicycles doesn't work so well.  Have you tried moving to the left lane to make a left turn on one of our high-traffic, high speed, suburban 4-lane streets?  It's definitely not for the faint of heart or the inexperienced.



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