Venue Change Update: Tour de Fat Chicago 2018 in Humboldt Park

Update for 2018: It's back in the 'hood!
Venue Change 2018: Humboldt Park
Venue Change 2017: Huntington Bank Pavilion at Northerly Island 

Tour de Fat Chicago will be held at Northerly Island this year ! It will be held on July 29, 2017 from 4pm to 9pm. The event admission cost is $30. New Belgium is still supporting WestTown Bikes / Ciclo Urbano with its proceeds.

There also seems to be an elimination of the ever popular TDF Bike Parade. :'(

Pic above from TDF 2016 - Palmer Square (Tom A. K.) . . . Pic below from TDF 2012

The End ! . . .

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I don't think I'll go this year.  I'd be interested in seeing how West Town Bikes benefits from this change.  My principal interest over the past few years was in support of West Town Bikes and Alex.

This event has evolved into a more of a music festival type with new corporate leadership.

There is rumor working around the 'hood that WTB 'might' have a separate 'ride event' involving the Palmer Square location in the future. Hopefully. :-)
Lame talk about fixing what wasnt broken
Well said, Sir.

If this nets more money to West Town, awesome. The "old" tour de fat did seem like a bike community celebration and that will certainly be missed. 


Tour de Fat as we once knew it is dead.  I'll be out riding Pierogifest that day 

wow $30... I don't see myself attending.  Good luck.

I've got a feeling that a lot of people may respond that way.

For $30, If it's all you can drink. I will go...

Review says that the venues current beers costs go from $12.50 to $17.50. This event may have different prices.

Ah, so the booze is separate from the steep $30 admission price?


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