You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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I was riding east on the Jackson bike lane this evening. A block or so west of Halstead a person was standing at the entrance to the crosswalk. I stopped. The person was talking on a cell phone and ignored me. Just as I gave up and started across the intersection this individual began to cross and gave me a dirty look.

It would help if there were a clearly marked area at each end of the crosswalk, visible from the street. With time and public education, it would be widely understood (by motorists, cyclists *and* pedestrians) that stepping into this marked area signals an intention to cross. A flashing yellow light would be even better. Well, a guy can dream, can't he?


I'm curious which side of Jackson you take Doctor Steve. The bike lane dumps you into the traffic getting on the expressway ramp. I used to go that way and hold my line. Now I cross Jackson for the trip over the bridge, seems a little safer.

Hi, Tom,

Well, this was the bike lane (left) side. I have come to be accustomed to the left-side position, though it's a bit awkward with the left-side rear-view mirror.

I continue across Halsted on the left, in the middle of the lane. It's probably not more than 20 seconds until I'm past the entrance ramp to the north-bound expressway, and then there's little interference until I turn off (left) for Union station a couple blocks later. I haven't had any trouble with cars.

Still, it would be nice if the city would extend the bike lane east. I think there would be room for the bike lane to stay on the left but out in the lane enough to place a left-turn lane by the curb. This seems to work well enough at intersections. I've contacted the ATA about this a few times; they tell me to "contact my alderman". That doesn't help much, as I don't live in the city.

The other alternative the ATA is considering is a "bike-only" traffic signal at Halsted which would allow bikes to cross over to the right side of the street. I'm not sure how well that would work, but even if it did, I have to turn left again in 2 short blocks.

I'm not holding my breath!



(Remember warmer days?)


Tres Hombres Amigo.

Me:  Northbound at Racine and Lake.  Two cars nearly collided (someone did not wait their turn...tsk tsk) at the 4 way so I was stopped with my foot down (in the middle of the lane) waiting for them to decide who was ok to proceed.

You: Also northbound on Racine in a gold colored ford escape.  I didn't realize you were pulling up to the left of me until your front tire grazed my left calf and your side mirror hit me in the back.  Yes my confusion quickly turned to RAGE but hear me out....  I have two rear lights and my messenger bag is almost completely reflective.  oh.. and I was standing in the middle of the lane!!! How did you not see me?  Did you think you had room?  Your whoops/sorry face did nothing to negate the fact you almost ran me over.  

Sorry for the bad grammar & rambling nature of this post.  I'm still annoyed.  

What was with drivers Thursday night?

Me:  Riding on various north side streets, equipped with proper lighting and following all the rules of the road.

You: Laying on the horn whenever I signaled and carefully took the lane to prepare for a left turn or to pass around construction.

Merry Christmas.

I don't know. I didn't have anyone honk at me, but I didn't exactly feel the love either. Some clown in a BMW sports car was using the bike lane on Taylor (east of the expressway) as his personal right turn lane... I mean he was driving in the lane for half a block. In a moment of weakness, I bypassed, stopped in front of him and waited for the green light ( I have a really irritatingly bright tail light).

<Gilly voice mode>




To the father who was "running" with his double jog stroller on Milwaukee at 8:15am today:

I'm sorry you almost hit me as I rode to work.  I stop for pedestrians at crosswalks, but you have to indicate that you're actually going to cross the street first.  When you just dart out without checking for traffic, nearly hit me, then scream at me for god knows what... well you're going to get the angry response you heard as I continued on my way.

Have a nice day.

Ugh, what a jerk!

I'm sorry that you and the other non-speedy people had to deal with this piece of work.

What's the "several blocks later" bit about?

I wondered that as well. Sounds interesting!

To all the commuters riding southbound on Milwaukee at Elston: please yield to the traffic that has the right of way when you have a red light. I know that it is way too tempting to run that red since it's not a four way intersection, but at least have the courtesy to yield to the traffic that has the green light. I'm tired of having to dodge all of you when I have the green. Thanks!


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