You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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To the "gentleman" in the Jeep who passed me on Randolph yesterday morning:

Thank you for noting that I was biking "with my baby in the street".  I'm going to ignore the tone of your remark and give you the benefit of the doubt that you must have been simply informing me that I have a baby trailer attached to my bike.  As it turns out, I was aware that my 5yo was in the trailer since I attached it when I left my house - 9 miles earlier. If we had had the chance to stop and chat properly, here are the points I would have mentioned:

  • Yes, I was biking down Randolph, a relatively crowded street, because I was about to turn into my child's school.  There is no other way for me to reach her school except to bike on downtown streets for the last few blocks. 
  • If you were implying that I should be on the sidewalk, I would point out that it is illegal for any cyclist (even one under the age of 12) to bike on the sidewalk in our downtown commercial district.  I think people who ride on the sidewalks are assholes, so there's no way I'm doing that.
  • Not that it's any of your business but I've taken great care to select a route for our commute that minimizes as much as possible my child's interactions with cars.  It adds 2 miles each way to my ride, but it's worth it.  For you to yell at me on the final 20 yards of the ride really capped off an otherwise lovely time.
  • I have to endure the tourists on the riverwalk during my evening ride. Trust me, drivers are dangerous but I'm much more anxious during that part of our commute.
  • I'm sure, if you're concerned enough to yell at a mom on a bike, that you are in favor of the protected bike lanes coming to the Loop.  Thanks for your support; I too am very excited for them to be completed so I won't have to worry (as much) about motorists like you - and if I'm lucky I'll be able to avoid the evening river walk.
  • If you were concerned for my child's safety, rest assured that I'm even more concerned.  You see, she's my kid and I love her more than anything. But while I appreciate and attempt to mitigate any risk during our daily commute, I'm also concerned about long-term health problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes for both my child and me (which by the way are statistically more likely than being killed on a bike).  By exercising every day, I reduce my risk of having health problems later in life plus I'm showing my child that 1) exercise is important, 2) you can exercise while being a working mom, and 3) we can reduce our carbon footprint by biking instead of driving.  And she gets to see the lake on her commute instead of the inside of an el train.
  • If you would get out of your car and bike once in a while, maybe you would relax a bit and wouldn't be such a dick.

Thanks and have a nice day!

Biker mom

To the Divvy rider who ran a red light on Madison at State just after 5:00 pm and nearly hit me while I was crossing Madison legally in the crosswalk, kindly get your head out of your a@@ before you seriously injure someone.

Are you ok Anne??? Ugh, how awful! Those bikes are so heavy too. 

I'm fine. It was close enough to be startling but not quite close enough to feel life threatening.

Glad to hear you are ok. 

I haven't been on the LFP as much this year but seems nothing's changed, even with slow zone signs and actual hot weather the bro dudes and 100k trainers still think Fullerton to Grand is the spot to max out and just yell at the last second hoping to avoid a collision. I wasn't pointing to my left at something it was supposed to be a signal of my intent.

To the UPS driver yesterday that was trying really hard to give me space as he passed (and I passed) and he passed me back again, I totally appreciate the effort you made and realize that Damen is pretty narrow. Thanks for making the effort to do your best! 

I know, not a normal post as I am only annoyed at how this is my best route to get to Wicker Park/Bucktown but it's pretty narrow at certain points. Even if drivers are good, it's still a little touch and go at times. Also, riddled with potholes.

I hear you. I've had people compelled to pass me when I pass them and then huff and puff to get past me to prove they are faster. It's pretty silly.

I am the slowest rider on the lakefront trail. I am constantly amazed at the number of riders who approach me from behind with no oncoming riders, get out of their saddle and quicken their pace to pass me and then go back to normal riding after they have passed me. I guess their insecurity and egos require that they show off their speed.

Makes perfect sense to me. Seems like a smart way to avoid a potentially dangerous situation.

I've actually been experiencing sort of the opposite lately. Faster riders catch up to me and then stay with me for up to several blocks. Eventually they either figure out they can pass or I will just coast until they do. There's a guy on Elston that rides a blue Fuji that does this all the time and another fellow that I recognize by the yellow saddlebags that does this too. 

So the etiquette that I believe is in place (or should be?) is for the rider coming up to MAKE SURE they are faster before passing. Said another way: if you pass me drop me.

As a moderately slow rider who's speed fluctuates depending on what I am thinking about there is nothing more annoying than someone passing but not pulling ahead so that now I need to regulate my speed because they are I front of me

In these cases I would tend to draft if I can because I am thinking that as long as I need to think about the bike I front if me (that chose to put themselves in front of me)

Wrong thinking?


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