I heard that the Northerly Island path was taped off today. Anyone hear anything about this? Is it just the beach entrance or can we still get on via the parking lot entrance? I imagine this has to do with the planned expansion of the Charter One Pavilion...

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Northerly Island concert venue expands for big shows


Aweful, I'm sure this is goodbye to the family of red-tailed hawks I've spotted out there while running.

I was just there this evening to try to do some intervals on the island.  The entrance from the road has been taped off and it looks like they've torn up the asphalt already.

So you can't get to the south half of the island at all?!?

It's deja-vu all over again!  Build the casino/hotel complex and be done with it already, Chicago!

S said:

I was just there this evening to try to do some intervals on the island.  The entrance from the road has been taped off and it looks like they've torn up the asphalt already.

I have my tickets and cannot wait to bike to that show.

h' 1.0 said:

I was wondering how they were going to accommodate Phish in that venue... that explains it.

I think if you came in from the east side of the island by following the path leading in from the concession stand by the beach, you might be able to get access to the island.  Also if you go by the terminal, it looks like you might be able to get to southern part of the island.  I was on my bike and didn't see a clear path on asphalt to the trails on the island, I didn't really explore it further since I was trying to get a 10k time trial done on my bike before it got dark.

Jason said:

So you can't get to the south half of the island at all?!?

Perhaps if everyone contacted Live Nation and suggested that a quantity of bike parking (or even bike valet) be added at Charter One Pavilion, they might get the message.  Worth a try.

h' 1.0 said:

Hopefully they'll increase the bike parking capacity along with the venue size. It's already woefully inadequate.  I'd almost suggest locking by the Planetarium if they don't. 

I was out there Saturday and you can get to the southern end of the path if you go in through the air terminal parking lot, around that building on the sidewalk, and on to the path near the tent structure. The path is now a large U, with the north end completely torn up and behind a fence. There was heavy machinery out there Saturday and a crew was working. Still able to ride . . . if you don't mind turning around with some frequency.

Have to say I have been surprised by the lack of outrage over this expansion. It seems like most plans involving the parks draw ire from one group or another, but I didn't see anything about this being challenged. Maybe I just missed it. In any case, you don't line up major shows and earth moving equipment on the fly, so this was a done deal a long time ago (in the great Chicago tradition).

Outrage?  That was 10 years ago.  The place is now a commercial venture, just like it was an an airport, so I don't think a lot of people mind.  That place never really belonged to us anyhow.

David Barish said:

I have my tickets and cannot wait to bike to that show.

h' 1.0 said:

I was wondering how they were going to accommodate Phish in that venue... that explains it.

FYI, I tweeted Gabe Klein (@gabe_klein) asking if expanded bike parking was included in the plans for the venue and he tweeted back "yes!".

Anne Alt said:

Perhaps if everyone contacted Live Nation and suggested that a quantity of bike parking (or even bike valet) be added at Charter One Pavilion, they might get the message.  Worth a try.

h' 1.0 said:

Hopefully they'll increase the bike parking capacity along with the venue size. It's already woefully inadequate.  I'd almost suggest locking by the Planetarium if they don't. 


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