New Separated Bike Lanes on California Between Touhy and Dempster

I just read this post by Jen Groen to the Rides on Wednesday FB page:

Hey friends, heads up! The new separated bike lanes have been installed on both sides of California, along stretches of road between Touhy and Dempster. It's a squeeze in the areas with parking. A disastrous design for bikers going faster than 5mph. Be safe!

Anyone ridden this section? Any thoughts?

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Just rode NB today, no cars in lane. Crew painting N of Howard w no flag man. It's a tight squeeze the way N
Just rode NB today, no cars in lane. Crew painting N of Howard w no flag man. It's a tight squeeze the way N

Rode home up Dodge from Howard to Crain this evening, stopping to take a few photos. Lots of cars were parked in the buffer zone between the car spots and the bike lane. That buffer zone came from the original bike lane, so the effective lane was even narrower.

Obviously the "buffers" (PVC posts?) offer no real improvement and no added "protection." It will be interesting to see what happens after the first passes with the snowplows this winter.

i suppose the protection of the cyclist from traffic is provided by the wall of parked cars?

> Does anyone know if a cyclist can be ticketed for riding with traffic, and NOT riding in the PBL if one is available?

Good question. I don't know, but I would assume not. The basic idea of bike lanes is not to fence bikes in but to keep cars out. (Though obviously, PBLs do more of the former.) The bigger danger would be motorists thinking that you belonged in the bike lane and got aggressive about your invasion of their privileged/private space. Something like this.

Does anyone know if a cyclist can be ticketed for riding with traffic, and NOT riding in the PBL if one is available?  

The State of Illinois does not require that cyclists use any lane or path other than the normal traffic lane.  

A summary of bike laws by state is at the League of American Bicyclists site:


Chicago Code:

9-52-020. Riding bicycles on sidewalks and certain roadways.

(d) Whenever a usable path for bicycles has been provided adjacent to a roadway, bicycle riders shall use such path and shall not use the roadway.

You can argue with the judge about whether the PBL is a "usable path...adjacent to a roadway" or whether the PBL is actually usable.

Rode California/Dodge NB yesterday in the PBL about 6:15-6:30 or so.  Lane was mostly clear.  At one point a passenger in a parked car opened the door into the PBL and nearly doored me--a car door takes up over 75% of the very narrow PBL and there's no way out other than to bunny hop the curb.  Clearly the person had not checked for oncoming bike traffic.  Also had to let a group of people standing in the PBL know that I was coming.  For me, the biggest danger of the PBL is parked cars and people getting into/out of them, and people standing in the PBL--It's as if many don't understand that the PBL is another lane of traffic, not an extension of the sidewalk.

Has there been info distributed to area residents of the need for different behavior, e.g., not loitering/walking in the PBL, looking before opening car doors, etc.?  If not, it's likely riders will get hurt by someone who is not familiar with PBL dynamics and safety, at least in the near term.  The regular traffic lane provides some real estate for avoidance of doors, etc., but the PBL is almost impossible to escape.  

> Has there been info distributed to area residents of the need for different behavior ...

Not that I'm aware of. I live about two blocks west of Dodge and Crain. We certainly got nothing in the mail.

I tweeted my little Flickr album to Evanston PD yesterday. Whoever reads their tweet stream said they would pass it along to their traffic unit.

I wish these lanes had existed back when I was growing up (a couple of blocks east of Dodge and Crain). We could be so much further along in terms of bikes, peds and drivers learning to share space. *sigh*

Don't count on behavior improving with time or education.  We've had this sort of awful lane design in Chicago for years, and pedestrian/motorist behavior has stayed the same.  Heck, just this morning, I got right hooked by two consecutive cars on Canal.  Neither slowed down or even glanced at the bike lane before turning directly into my path.

I have ridden this  lane a few more times and have one  additional issue. I turn left from Dodge to Main when I head home.  If there is any traffic at  all it is quite difficult to get  from  the PBL to a position to  make a left turn. It forces a rider to do a perpendicular left turn by going through the intersection and stopping, waiting for the light to turn and then proceeding  on Main. Last night  I was riding a little later when traffic was lighter and was able to drift out of the PBL  to the left turn lane. Still, it is a bit dicey doing so as the PBL makes the sight lines, even though I  have a mirror, somewhat difficult. We cannot get into the left turn lane early  but do so late and as a surprise to any driver who may happen upon us.  

All this being said, I find the lane generally clean and allows for a reasonable rate of speed. We will see how this holds once the weather turns and ice etc. is a part of the ride.


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