Maegan Kurtz, 26, approached the station on a Divvy bicycle and tried to continue cycling past the truck, which was flashing its lights, according to an arrest report.

The fireman tried to stop Kurtz, and a verbal altercation ensued, Assistant State's Attorney Lorraine Scaduto said in court Wednesday.

That's when Kurtz allegedly slapped the firefighter. The man pushed Kurtz away, court records show, and she tumbled to the ground.

"I do not take lightly the fact that an officer tells someone to stay out of the way, and the response is to get slapped in the face," Cook County Judge Peggy Chiampas told Kurtz on Wednesday before setting bail at $25,000.

Full Article

Man...couldn't she have been jogging?

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Can we rewrite the subject?

How is, "Entitled and Foolish Suburbanite Slaps Firefighter Because She Was in a Hurry"

Or, "Frankfurter Comes to the City, Slaps Firefighter, Gets BIG Wake Up Call"

She's not really a cyclist, she was just riding a Divvy. We're all seen people riding Divvy bikes on the sidewalk, LSD, spacing out on the LFP, etc.  

I don't necessarily think it's fair to pass judgment on whether or not somewhat is a "cyclist" based on riding a Divvy.

On the other hand, clueless behavior by someone who doesn't get that emergency vehicles get priority earns heaps of judgment and scorn.

Agreed. Good correction. Love the "earns heaps of judgement and scorn".  No matter who she is, slapping is pretty messed up.

Or... "Cyclists Cringe When Crazy 20-Something Slaps a Firefighter While Riding a Divvy"

or... "Female Frankfurter on a Divvy caught handing out slaps"

Any other ideas?

I think her lack of judgement / intelligence has absolutely no relationship to her choice of transportation at the moment. I certainly don't accept that this is in any way a reflection on me as a cyclist. I just refuse to own it.

Motorists Who Hate Bikes already see us as Criminal Interlopers , Unpredictable Pests, Entitled Speed Bumps, etc. It is highly doubtful that any amount of good PR, group therapy, positive behavior-modeling, consciousness-raising, or soul-searching on cyclists' part will change the hearts and minds of the haters. The only method that I perceive can possibly change "dedicated" Motorists' POV is to turn them into omnivorous inter-modal travelers, that is, get them out of their cages and onto bikes.   

I would just like to throw down a big + 1 on everything curt(is) locke has just said!

No matter who we are we cringe when news of somebody doing something bad, evil or simply stupid is  associated with a group with which we identify. We will yell back at the television, "Don't let  him/her be ...[a Muslim, Jewish, a Cubs fan, black, white, a student, homeless, wealthy, Christian, an actor, a cyclist...]!!"  We do not want the rest of the populace to think that all Muslims, Jews, Cubs fans, Blacks, Whites, students,homeless, wealthy, Christians, actors, cyclists...act like that. I hesitate to even turn the label here from cyclist to suburbanite, woman, 26  year old or we cast aspersions over  those groups as well.  She is an individual and acted like a miscreant because that is  what she did not because  of what anybody else did.  Still, sheeesh, why did  she have to be on a bike and I bet she's a #$%@ Cubs fan! :-)

The Chicago Cubs are currently in first place. What's up with the soxes? :-D

Hey, we're riding a one-game streak, and James Shields is going to take us to the promised land!  

David, Well said. I totally agree. I meant the new labels as humorous/sarcastic. ;-)

I am partial to "Foolish Female Frankfurter" because this lady deserves 3 Fs for slapping a Firefighter who was just doing his job and trying to keep her safe. Not cool. 

I'm not going to pass judgment on her until the rest of the story comes out.  Pretty good chance that the whole thing is on video.


She supposedly slapped him, but the article says that he suffered a "laceration."  That means that she cut him somehow...with a slap.  It also says that he shoved her to the ground.


CPD covers for CFD and is infamously hostile to cyclists.  Not too long ago, the media and CPD reported that a cyclist died because he blew a red on Michigan.  They didn't mention that the bus that hit him also blew a red. There's definitely more to this story.


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