*Update 11/17/2015* Hector Avalos, 28, Western/Ogden, 12/6/2013 :-(

[expletives deleted.....]



As usual, lead poisoning victims have got to the comments first, so do yourself a favor and don't read them.

Now comes the usual horrid wait to find out who it was, if it's someone any of us knows.....

Update.. Hector Avalos of Cermak/Wood area.  My condolences to his friends and family.

Update 11/17/2015

This is a heartbreaking decision. The judge blamed the victim for wearing dark clothes and referred to the crash as an "accident" but seemed to ignore the fact that Robert's blood alcohol level was 0.152 percent when he got behind the wheel, nearly twice the legal level of 0.08.

“[Vais] has to face the fact that what he did was wrong,” Avalos’ mother Ingrid Cossio said. “He gets a new beginning, a new life, and a new chance to be with his family, so I hope he takes advantage of that opportunity. I don’t get that with my son.”

Full Streetsblog Article:

(seems like it would be a basic courtesy to note that a posting was updated/modified by an admin and not the original poster-h)

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RIP, young man.

If you don't want to be tempted by reading the comments, I suggest you install Ghostery. Available for all major browsers (including some mobile browsers), it suppresses (amongst other things) comment sections. Since I have installed it, I rarely see comments sections anymore, and I don't miss them. My blood pressure has dropped because of it.

Is anyone organizing a gathering?

Very sad. He sounds like a nice guy. A loss indeed.

I've reached out to see if a charity fund has been set up. I'll post if I learn anything.

Duppie said: "I suggest you install Ghostery. Available for all major browsers (including some mobile browsers), it suppresses (amongst other things) comment sections."

I tried it, after your suggestion.  It suppresses a LOT of other things.  I disabled it.  Wouldn't it just be easier to avoid reading the comments if you find them upsetting?

My niece worked with him and had this to say, "I worked with Hector at Hefe; he was an incredible positive person full of life. He did not deserve this, and then responsible deserves so much more than just bail..."

This is heartbreaking. Here's a follow up story http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/chi-driver-arrest...

I'd definitely like to be a part of a vigil ride or memorial. Really upsetting.

Thanks for sharing your niece's thoughts on Hector.

Yasmeen said:

My niece worked with him and had this to say, "I worked with Hector at Hefe; he was an incredible positive person full of life. He did not deserve this, and then responsible deserves so much more than just bail..."

This is heartbreaking. Here's a follow up story http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/chi-driver-arrest...

Anyone know who puts on the ghost bikes? I would like to donate one of mine and also interested in a memorial ride.

The Give Forward link includes a link to the installation of a ghost bike.


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