I just missed the press conference and just hung out at lunch to see how it would all work. It seemed easy enough, so I took Dearborn as my starting route home to Roscoe Village. Normally I hit Franklin to Orleans then north to Lincoln.

I have to say, it was pretty easy and relatively safe. The ambassadors were helpful with the the auto traffic. The walkers were easy enough to avoid. I had to chuckle at two riders riding side by side in the lane.

What I didn't see was any oncoming traffic; southbound riders. I am guessing that will come in time or at other times during the day.

Way to go Mayor RE! This is really making a statement.

Who else rode the new path?

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That's just some signature he has added to every email that gets sent out.  I think they're pretty silly for interoffice communication and certainly not something that should be used externally.

Fair enough, Kevin. I can't call from work though. I did reply to the email as such:


Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. I can't call this afternoon as I am at work.
Perhaps I can answer any further questions you might have by email?
The issue is this: A Sysco driver making a delivery near 150 N Dearborn St. in downtown Chicago this morning around 7:20am was illegally and dangerously parked in the bicycle lane along Dearborn. This bicycle lane is a buffered bike lane, separated from traffic by an approximately 3 foot wide section of striped pavement. The driver had pulled fully into the bike lane this morning, completely blocking the entire lane and the buffer strip, forcing cyclists to enter the traffic lane to go around the truck. In order to park where he did, he would have had to have removed several traffic cones that were blocking the entrance to the bicycle lane from automobile traffic.
I understand that deliveries need to be made but there is legal parking along Lake Street, less than 1/2 block from where the driver parked. Additionally, he wasn't currently loading/unloading when I passed him, he was sitting in the cab (doing paperwork? waiting for the business the delivery was at to open?).
Thank you for your time.

Kevin C 4.1 mi said:

Yes you are being overly sensitive. He invited you to call him, so call him, and report back please.

Here was what Rick had to to say in reply. I am doubtful that the city is telling people to use the bike lanes as loading and unloading zones. However, if Rick is being honest, and the city actually is telling delivery drivers to park in the cycling lanes......what's the point of the cycling lanes?

Mr. Godfrey  

I have discussed this with our driver. He had approximately 90 boxes which needed to be delivered to the customer. On prior occasions he has parked where you suggested a half block away. He has received tickets from the police department and was told he would be cited unless he parked where you saw him. So the issue is he will try to move over a little more (to clear more of the bike lane), he stated  usually he is there and gone before 7:20 am.

Hopefully this has helped to resolve your concerns  

You have to also consider the purpose for which the driver provided his account. Someone who has supervisory authority over him has been contacted by a concerned citizen who observed the driver breaking the law. Supervisor contacts driver. Driver provides story to supervisor which arguably or superficially justifies the behavior. Has he received tickets before? That should be easily verifiable by supervisor. At what address? Also verifiable. "[W]as told (to park in the bike lane)?" I doubt it. And by who? The same policeman? I also doubt it. It'll be interesting to hear if this interaction keeps the driver out of the bike lane.

Thanks for following up Will.

Will G - 10mi said:

Here was what Rick had to to say in reply. I am doubtful that the city is telling people to use the bike lanes as loading and unloading zones. However, if Rick is being honest, and the city actually is telling delivery drivers to park in the cycling lanes......what's the point of the cycling lanes?

Mr. Godfrey  

I have discussed this with our driver. He had approximately 90 boxes which needed to be delivered to the customer. On prior occasions he has parked where you suggested a half block away. He has received tickets from the police department and was told he would be cited unless he parked where you saw him. So the issue is he will try to move over a little more (to clear more of the bike lane), he stated  usually he is there and gone before 7:20 am.

Hopefully this has helped to resolve your concerns  

The bike lane hasn't really been there very long.  He may well have been told to park there before the protected lane was there.  (Perhaps there was a one-way northbound bike lane before.)

Kevin C 4.1 mi said:

"[W]as told (to park in the bike lane)?" I doubt it. And by who? The same policeman? I also doubt it.

Being gone by 7:20 am does not justify his actions.

Will G - 10mi said:

Here was what Rick had to to say in reply. I am doubtful that the city is telling people to use the bike lanes as loading and unloading zones. However, if Rick is being honest, and the city actually is telling delivery drivers to park in the cycling lanes......what's the point of the cycling lanes?

Mr. Godfrey  

I have discussed this with our driver. He had approximately 90 boxes which needed to be delivered to the customer. On prior occasions he has parked where you suggested a half block away. He has received tickets from the police department and was told he would be cited unless he parked where you saw him. So the issue is he will try to move over a little more (to clear more of the bike lane), he stated  usually he is there and gone before 7:20 am.

Hopefully this has helped to resolve your concerns  

Rode the lane for the first time today - full length south around 2:30 to go to the auto show from work and then north again to go home in the evening. I found it overall to be quite nice. Not much traffic so I could ride my usual pace in the mid- to upper teens. Typically got about two blocks before getting a red, which is fine, really. Only one ped standing in the lane but overall the situational awareness of others was surprisingly good. Only one car that tried to turn left on red, at Kinzie. Since I was next to him when my light turned green I could helpfully stop in his path and point to the red arrow. Seemed to do the trick.

I rode the Dearborn bike lane southbound this morning. One woman walked into the path about 20 feet from the intersection completely oblivious to my presence. I gave her a good loud "beeeeep" as I passed her. Maybe she'll be a little more aware next time. I considered it a public service effort on behalf of her safety and my fellow riders.

I had the "almost" version of that encounter on Saturday afternoon.  Saw the guy coming and rang my bell. Got his attention just before he stepped into my path.

Joe Guzzardo said:

I rode the Dearborn bike lane southbound this morning. One woman walked into the path about 20 feet from the intersection completely oblivious to my presence. I gave her a good loud "beeeeep" as I passed her. Maybe she'll be a little more aware next time. I considered it a public service effort on behalf of her safety and my fellow riders.

Sooooo, just south of the Dearborn & Washington intersection today around 7:50 there was a police SUV parked squarely in the bike lane. No officers around, no apparent "activity" near by, the truck was not on, there were no flashing lights.

Unfortunately there is no coffee shop on that corner for me to use in a snarky comment, but regardless a big W.T.F. out to CPD.

I saw that too. I was there around 8:45, so it was parked there for at least an hour. Nice to see CPD leading by example...

That was my feeling... In an emergency I completely understand using whatever lane (etc.) an officer/emergency worker needs - Use your wonderful lights and I will stay out of the way.

But what the heck!?! I had the same snarky comments going through my mind when I seen that. 

Will G - 10mi said:


Unfortunately there is no coffee shop on that corner for me to use in a snarky comment, but regardless a big W.T.F. out to CPD.


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