“There is beauty in silence and there is silence in beauty and you can find both in a bicycle.” Mehmet Murat ildan

Something amazing happens when the leaves change, the air gets crisp and sweater weather feels so nice after a hot summer. Before we roll into bike winter, let's embrace autumn and post our pictures (and stories if you have them) on this thread. Happy riding!

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A few more from this past week...

Des Plaine River Trail

Looks like a beautiful day! I really love DPRT.

I like your self portrait.

Thanks for generating this thread help to celebrate the Autumn bicycling experience.

Thanks! Fall is my favorite time of the year. 

Taken after the Medaryville, IN Crane Cruise last week

Some of the 10,000 Sandhill Cranes that pass through Medaryville during their fall migration. The cranes return nightly to the Jasper-Pulaski Fish and Wildlife Refuge after feeding in area farm fields during the day. The Medaryville area is home to the largest concentration of Sandhills east of the Mississippi river.  They're big birds,  standing about 3 1/2 feet tall with a 7 ft wingspan.

Hardly quiet, as they come in they announce their arrival with very loud calls.

Check the" Loud rattle calls from huge flock" on that last link to get an idea of what the flock sounds like.

I love seeing and hearing cranes flying over my neighborhood in spring and fall. 

Breathtaking photograph. Thanks for sharing.

The fall migration has begun. Listen and look up.

While cycling today in the park, I heard a rare but familiar fall sound eminating from up above. An inevitable but sad sign of the change of seasons. The sounds were coming from the V-shaped movment of the migrating birds (cranes&geese) which Larry Mysz let us sample here. The large groups of birds were fighting the Northwesterly winds in their quest South while making the loud rattling call. They were high in the sky, higher in elevation than the jets in their landing pattern heading into O'hare. I suspect this migration may continue tomorrow, Sunday 11/8/15. If you're out taking a ride in a relatively quiet area, listen and look up at an amazing sight !
Heading south.

Dan Ryan Woods yesterday.


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