Drivers Are Killing Bicyclists Trying To Get To, From The Lakefront Trail.

Drivers Are Killing Bicyclists Trying To Get To, From The Lakefront Trail. The City Isn’t Making It Safer, Activists Say

On Feb. 28, Gerardo Marciales, 41, was riding his bike across Lake Shore Drive from the Lakefront Trail when a driver hit him, police said.

THE LOOP — Local bicyclists are furious after a driver killed another bicyclist near the Lakefront Trail, a path beloved by pedestrians — but one they’ve also long said is fraught with peril.

On Feb. 28, Gerardo Marciales, 41, was riding his bike across Lake Shore Drive from the Lakefront Trail when a driver hit him, police said. Marciales, a Lincoln Park man who’d recently gotten engaged, was killed.

Marciales is the second cyclist to be fatally struck going to or from the lakeshore path in recent months. Ade Hogue was killed when a driver hit him Oct. 27 at Grand Avenue and Lake Shore Drive.

At the time of Hogue’s death, his friends noted accessing the Lakefront Trail there can be dangerous. Bicyclists and pedestrians have to take tunnels — which are sometimes inaccessible — or cross directly in the path of cars on busy Lake Shore Drive to get to and from the lakefront park.

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Thanks for posting this. FWIW, I access the Lakefront Trail by taking a little street that looks like the entrance to a parking garage off of Westshore Drive in this weird little block at ground level in the east Loop:,+Chicago,+IL+60601/@...!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x880e2b576bf93717:0xb883e5371286fa27!8m2!3d41.885915!4d-87.6161801

It's on the map there as Harbor Service Drive.

Of course you might get drummed out of the corps here for posting an insufficiently anti-car yet common sense and legal approach to getting across or under LSD. 

I've even walked (gasp) my bike across LSD in a crosswalk with fellow pedestrians who were perfectly fine people, after waiting for the walk signal. 

Here's where you might really be bucking the system:  It doesn't appear that your insight about how to safely get to the other side of the LSD will martyr cyclists to drum up business for any would-be ambulance chasing lawyers or personal injury law firms who might sponsor the sorts of "cycling" websites which seemingly appear to put people at risk to then get cases to lawyers to settle with insurance companies. 

Accordingly, yours is a safer course of action.  

Thanks for posting.  


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