Cyclist knowledge of bike laws, Drivers knowledge of bike-related laws

Yesterday we decided to run errand on our bikes, check out the 606, and generally enjoy a beautiful day of riding around town. It was really wonderful. Really. 

That said, we had two run-ins that made me think, "Do drivers know the laws related to cyclists?"

First run-in: In the bike lane, at an intersection and I am on the right of the driver who has decided (without signal) to turn right. Doesn't bother to look over to see if I am there, just starts moving into my lane and nearly hits me. I respond with my usual, "Whoah!" and blurt out, "What are you doing?!?!"

His response? Angrily answers, "I was turning right."

He seemed to have no idea that he should have looked for me and that I legally had the right-of-way to continue going straight.

Second run-in: Someone parked in the bike lane forces me out into the road, so I signal to the car that is a ways back as I start to move out into the road. His response? Speed up as fast as he can to cut me off so that I am forced to come to a near stop to wait for him to pass. 

I realize cyclists probably have laws we are not paying enough attention to e.g. lights at night are mandatory but I agree with this tweet about the subject - drivers need to be better versed about the laws and more aware of cyclists.

Here's the DNA article with the quiz:

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The real place where drivers should be quizzed about laws regarding bikes: the illinois dmv "quiz"

The second situation especially seems like one where the driver could care less about what the law says...  I don't believe a driver like that will change willingly.  S/he probably races yellow lights, refuses to zipper when traffic merges, etc. etc.  Classic reckless driver.  The bummer is how we cyclists (rightly) (have to) expect every driver to do stupid stuff like this when mostly they are more aware and considerate.

btw, as of today 2/3 of the quiz-takers have scored 50% or less... it'd be great to know which questions everyone was getting right and wrong, and it would be cool if quiz-takers could self-identify as driver, cyclist, both, neither...

" of today 2/3 of the quiz-takers have scored 50% or less... it'd be great to know which questions everyone was getting right and wrong, and it would be cool if quiz-takers could self-identify as driver, cyclist, both, neither..."

Yes, that would be interesting to know.

I had the first scenario happen to me today.  Dude made it all the way around the corner before stopping, and I would've been toast if I hadn't been proceeding cautiously and (just barely) able to turn with him.


I don't think it was a matter of him not knowing the rules.  He simply flaked and neglected to look (or signal) with potentially disastrous consequences.  Sadly, this has happened to me many times before, which is why I'm so cautious at intersections.

Of all the crashes we deal with at our office (, dooring and right hook (vehicle turning right in front of cyclist) are by far the most common types of crashes.

I had the second happen to me last week and the driver honked at me.

Just confirms my philosophy whether I am cycling, walking, or driving:  Every second, expect someone to do something stupid.

Agreed. Unfortunate but true. 

Yep. Better to assume that there will be stupidity, then anticipate it instead of being surprised by it.


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