Bobby Cann Updates: Ryne San Hamel Pleads Guilty, Receives 10 Days in Jail

Jason Jenkins at ActiveTrans is helping to coordinate community response.  If there is any chance you can attend proceedings, please reach out to him:


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Hello all,

Barring any noteworthy developments, I'll no longer be posting updates in this thread. All courtroom advocates and consistently concerned parties receive regular updates via email. Anyone else who is interested in receiving an update may be added to an email list to which I post regular updates. Simply send me your email to Feel free to continue to post information here that you obtain from the automated system.

Jason Jenkins

Crash Support Programs

Active Trans

Bob and anyone else -- post any and all things, I can just ignore what I don't want to read about, but I hope this can still be a place we might be able to get information and keep this alive.  Huge thanks to Jason Jenkins.  DO NOT LET THIS CAUSE DIE.  

Bob Kastigar said:

If you don't want to listen to the "whining" there are instructions on the bottom of the email to let you unsubscribe to the discussion.

I thought this was the place for "Bobby Cann Courtroom Updates"; at least that's what the subject line indicates.  If someone else is actually doing something but not informing the rest of us what they're doing they should let us know they're not going to continue posting.

Unsubscribe, don't listen to us whine.  We're just looking for input from someone who's involved.  Apparently you aren't, because you haven't posted anything useful or informative. I did post the information I got from the phone call I made.

h' 1.0 said:

If that's what you think needs to happen, than just do it rather than make the rest of us listen to you whine about what you think someone else should be doing that you (erroneously) think they're not.

h' 1.0 said:

For God's sake, there is a team working to make sure justice is served, and there have been repeated open invitations to connect with that--- the implication that the decision not to maintain various discussions about it on various sites means nobody cares or that the cause is DYING is just disgusting.

Armchair quarterbacking at its ugliest.

Nobody is armchair-quarterbacking - we're just looking for honest open discussion and fact reporting.

Not everybody wants to join the small elite group of silent participants who have been requested, for some unknown reason, to remain silent and refrain from public discussion.  This is how democracy works: free speech and an open and frank discussion.  If nobody continues to discuss and monitor the ongoing court appearances then it appears as if the interest is dying - and it isn't.  It's just being limited to the selected few who want to participate.

If you don't want to adhere to the "Code of Silence" then don't join that group or join the team.  Remain here for the free, frank and open discussion.

If Jason no longer wants to update this open forum for reporting and discussion he's free to make that choice.  There are no requirements here to remain or even to take part or even to read.  You can always unsubscribe if you think this discussion is inappropriate.

The question about Sanhamel ever getting his car back has never been answered.  I'm sure this came up in court but was never reported.  If there's been no change than somebody - anybody - should report "No Change" to the public outsiders who still have an interest.

I too would like to hear what is going on. I think Bob is doing a noble service by asking for updates.

Two comments:

1. the reason behind the request is well communicated in this thread. Don't continue to pretend otherwise.

2. If you are truly that curious about the case, why don't you attend and report back to us all? The hearings are open to the public. 

Bob Kastigar said:

Not everybody wants to join the small elite group of silent participants who have been requested, for some unknown reason, to remain silent and refrain from public discussion.  

Thanks, Duppie, very well said. I am now unfollowing this otherwise frustrating "discussion."

Duppie said:

Two comments:

1. the reason behind the request is well communicated in this thread. Don't continue to pretend otherwise.

2. If you are truly that curious about the case, why don't you attend and report back to us all? The hearings are open to the public. 

Bob Kastigar said:

Not everybody wants to join the small elite group of silent participants who have been requested, for some unknown reason, to remain silent and refrain from public discussion.  

Part of me hates that I'm even giving Bob's rants a response but...

I didn't know Bobby, but I don't think he'd like what this thread has turned into.  Stop trying to stir the pot.  The outcome of this trial will not change if you get more frequent updates.

Don't assume that people are no longer interested just because we're not posting immature replies.  I am still very interested and unable to attend the hearings, but I'm patient and trying to respect this entire process.

Thanks for letting us know.

Active Transportation Alliance said:

Hello all,

Barring any noteworthy developments, I'll no longer be posting updates in this thread. All courtroom advocates and consistently concerned parties receive regular updates via email. Anyone else who is interested in receiving an update may be added to an email list to which I post regular updates. Simply send me your email to Feel free to continue to post information here that you obtain from the automated system.

Jason Jenkins

Crash Support Programs

Active Trans

1. Has a trial date been set?

2. Where is the courthouse? 26th and Cal?

3. What courtroom Number?

4. When is the next court date?

This is the strangest thread ever. We are asked to go to court when we can but are not told: 1) when; 2) where, etc.

Can we somehow pin to the front of this the next court date, court room and what courthouse it's in so people who care can easily show up?

I, too, am about to unfollow this thread.  However, Tominator, all of the questions you ask have been answered within the last two pages except for the trial date.  If one wants to criticize, one should at least read what one is criticizing.  As annoyed as people have been with Bob Kastigar, no one can accuse him of not reading this thread.

Tominator said:

1. Has a trial date been set?

The next court date is Sept. 4th 2014, but it's not clear if it's a trial or a hearing and some people get upset when it's called a trial, even tho it is held in a courtroom and hearings are a part of the trial process.

2. Where is the courthouse? 26th and Cal?

Leighton Criminal Court Building, 26th and California

3. What courtroom Number?


4. When is the next court date?

September 4th at 10 AM

This is the strangest thread ever. We are asked to go to court when we can but are not told: 1) when; 2) where, etc.

The Court Advocates have been told not to discuss or give away information.  This is from the 18th District.  I asked, in another district (17th) and the court advocates there told me they never heard of such a thing.

So the only information is what's posted here by those not involved in the Court Advocate process.

If you’re interested there’s also an automated system available that you can call to get updates on the court case info with regards to location, date and time. The number is 877-846-3445. Individuals calling this number can simply enter the offender's Identification Record number (if known) or name of defendent, and receive court location, date and time. In addition, the automated system gives the option for individuals to enter their phone number to receive updated court information.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask them here, altho even if someone here has the answer to your question they may not answer it.

Just a reminder, to bump this up to the current list....

The next court appearance of Ryne Sanhamel in the alleged killing of Bobby Cann is this coming Thursday, September 4th, at 10:00 AM in courtroom 301 with Judge Hooks presiding. Ryne Sanhamel, while allegedly driving drunk with an alleged Blood-Alcohol level of .127 allegedly drove into and allegedly killed cyclist Bobby Cann. All this happened over a year ago and we don't want it forgotten.

This is at the Cook County Criminal Court building at 26th and California.

If you’re interested there’s also an automated system available that you can call to get updates on the court case info with regards to location, date and time. The number is 877-846-3445. Individuals calling this number can simply enter the offender's Identification Record number, which is 2208764 and receive court location, date and time. In addition, the automated system gives the option for individuals to enter their phone number to receive updated court information.

There's another way to be updated: allows you to get information on a court case by email notice or phone calls.  You need to search by state, then Cook County, and then enter the name a defendant with an ongoing trial. Use the "VINE Court" tab to do the search.

Remember to leave your cell phone at home since you can't bring it into the courtroom.  If you are planning on attending and haven't been silenced from making reports please post whatever information you can here on the Chainlink.  There's are many of us who are unable to attend all these hearings.


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