“The answer is, you probably don’t need to freak out about it. As long as you’re maintaining at least 6 feet of distance from other people and you’re not in a high-risk group, you’re engaged in a very low-risk activity, particularly if you and others are wearing masks.”

The article also addresses last month’s concerns from the Belgian “study”. I waited until I had a face mask before I got on my bike and ran an errand over the weekend. I must admit, it was so nice to be on the bike. The downside is that drivers aren't great - speeding, passing too closely, etc. I live in an area that allows me to ride on the sidewalk but there are so many people walking right now, that's not really an option. So I ride on the street, take the whole lane, and keep my distance. 


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Back here in Chicago, I'm finding that the streets, even the major ones, are for the most part fairly empty.  I took a nice 23 mile ride yesterday, with hardly any traffic, or pedestrians or other cyclists either.  Some dog walkers and stroller pushers, but that's about it.  And it's quite easy to keep at least 30 or more feet from everyone else, since they're on the sidewalk and you're in the street.  The most crowded places are the trails, sith some being much wider than others.

  Wwwait a minute, vehicular cycling?  The spirit of Forester is still among us!

  Without the lakefront trail, it's a lot harder for me to ride without stops.  There's Elston which has a few decent runs, and some sections of Ashland. MLK is ok too.  I don't do Milwaukee.  But, there are a few stretches of Grand that are ok.  Honestly I'm still doing the basement hamster roller wheel a lot.  (just did 28 this evening.)  When's spring? 

I have used the LFT as my main training ground for years.  While I'm not too far behind my regular seasonal variation of fitness due to the cold weather, riding on interior streets is definitely slower.  My strava time shows it via the average speed. 

I've been reluctant to mask up to ride for just such reasons as mentioned in the article, but I'll fall in line.  I'm just beginning to accept that as far as fitness goals go, 2020 is going to be a lost season. 

Sad face.


Recommends Vitamin D3 5,000 I.U. a day for life to fight respiratory illnesses, including seasonal flu and Covid19.  Initial month of 10,000.  Normal blood levels are 20-100, need 30+ to fight off illnesses.

From the abstract:  Randomized controlled trials and large population studies should be conducted to evaluate these recommendations.   Which is to say, those studies haven't happened yet.  There's nothing wrong with vitamin D, and unlike here, randomized controlled trials have demonstrated other benefits including fixing calcium in bones.  Just don't go thinkin' your good to go on the Covid thanks to Vitamin D.  Vitamins are neither medicine nor vaccines.  As they mention, higher vitamin D doses MIGHT be useful.  Again, not saying don't take it, just saying we shouldn't over-state or over-imply the value of it.  Read carefully, think even more carefully.  


40% of light skinned Americans to 80% of dark skinned Americans are under 20.  Need to get up to 30.

As anticipated, "Examining previous studies in this field scientists found no evidence of a link between high dose supplementation of vitamin D in helping to prevent or successfully treat Covid-19 and cautioned against over supplementation of the vitamin, without medical supervision, due to health risks. Scientists concluded that assertions about the benefit of the vitamin in treating the virus are not currently supported by adequate human studies and are based on findings from studies that did not specifically examine this area."


Due to COVID-19, I've done the following:

  • Purchased a trainer and began riding indoors
  • Ride outside alone on roads when the weather permits
  • Avoid trails as they are typically not wide enough to stay 6 feet away from people traveling in the other direction or people you're passing
  • Ride from home only and ride within 10 miles of my home in order to avoid having to stop at public restrooms, etc. as you never know who's been there or when it's been disinfected
  • Recognize that this is temporary and we will be able to ride "normally" again soon enough

These are all recommendations from 2 doctors whom I know who are avid cyclists.  They both advised that the best thing is to make it through the pandemic safely and healthily, then go back to what we're accustomed.  I'm following that advice.

Also, the city will be in Phase 3 beginning June 3, 2020.  I anticipate that there will be more traffic out.  As was mentioned before, motorists haven't been very friendly.  They are not used to us being out.  

In the times of protest!

While we are having all of these protests, I am getting reacquainted with my trainer.  I'm not going to ride outside until I deem it safe.  Stay safe, everyone.  

As shared elsewhere, I performed 90-mile Perimeter Rides on both Saturday (5/30) and Monday (6/1), with an all-time Personal Best of 5:30 on Monday, getting back to Hyde Park exactly at 9pm curfew. Once I got pass the inexplicable clusterf*ck that was 130th Street approaching 94, the streets were WIDE open, ominously empty and quiet, occasionally punctuated with speeding blue lights and sirens blaring in Clearing, Garfield Ridge, and Cicero. Saw another group of CPD slow rolling on Clark near Graceland Cemetery and four patrol cars leaving a scene at 35th and King. If downtown hadn't been shutdown and I hadn't had to re-route to Goose Island and south on Halsted to Bridgeport, I think I could have shaved another 10-15 minutes!  

I've had to go downtown from the area of the Loyola Campus about four times since March. With the lake front trail closed Sheridan Road has been my main route. Early on it was eerie, especially downtown. A few weeks ago it was crowded to the point it was starting to feel dangerous on Sheridan. On Wednesday it was a mess because of the bridges but when I rode home up Rush street there were so many people milling around and at outdoor restaurants it was creepy in combination with the pandemic and all the troops and barricades around the city. People in denial of the world around them.

Assuming I still have a job by then my office is closed until mid-July. I'm definitely feeling the lack of exercise. It's been such a nice, cool spring I'd have been getting a lot of 100 mile weeks just from commuting. Now I roll five feet from my bed to my desk for work these days. At least I save money on coffee and a bagel/muffin in the morning.


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