Neither story is fictional.  #1 happened last year. #2 happened a couple weeks ago.


1- My friend Ed rode his bike to a class.  He left the class and forgot his helmet  He realizes he left his helmet at class and goes back to retrieve it.  He resumes his trip home.  A piece of a tree breaks loose and falls on his head as he rides home. He has a helmet. He is fine.


2- my sister in law Katie is riding down a mountain in Colorado at about 25-30 mph.  A bug flies in her face and she swats it.  She loses control of her bike and falls. She fractures her hip but expects to heal over the next few months. Her head bounces off the pavement and she  fractures her helmet.  Her head is fine.


It would not take much imagination to write an alternate, and sadder, ending to these stories by simply eliminating the helmet. 

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Wow. Thanks for posting this.

I feel like there's some sort of message here.

that his friends and relatives are accident prone?

h' said:

I feel like there's some sort of message here.

That reminds me of a true story. I was watching track cycling legend Mark Gorski on Wide World of Sports come out of his last turn and his front tire blew. He did a header into the track, got up and competed in the next heat. I went into the kitchen, grabbed a cataloupe that Mom always kept around and dropped it from head heght. It splattered, but I ate the whole thing anyhow. Drats. Now, why did I bring this up? Must be a brain burp. Oh, well. There must have been reason.

Rode my bike to the farmer's market. Took my helmet off. Started to lock up my bike. Wind gust blew giant stack of plastic crates over onto the top of my head. Bop! Went to the hospital. Shoulda worn my helmet. :)

Pavement- when the head fell down!

Ash L. said:

Had she been wrapped in bubble wrap that hip would probably be fine...

The lights are bright as the stars spin round.

h' said:

Pavement- when the head fell down!

Ash L. said:

I was taking a shower, when BAM! slipped and hit the back of the tub. Luckily I am smart enough to wash my helmet whilst wearing it since it gets so stinky from summer time usage. I was bummed since that was the end of my helmets life.

That explains a lot ;-)

Juan said:

I was taking a shower, when BAM! slipped and hit the back of the tub.

Moral: if you love your melon, wear a helmet when you ride.


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