March 4, 2016 at 7:30pm to April 3, 2016 at 6pm – The Den Theatre RIDE takes place in an Uptown bike shop whose owner, Cal, was recently killed in an accident while riding his bike. Cal's estate is his bike shop; there, his estranged siblings encounter Cal's best… Organized by Neil Connelly | Type: theatre, social, art, show
March 11, 2016 to March 13, 2016 – New Holland Building at the Alliant Energy Center We are getting ready for the best show yet this year! Come over to the New Holland Building at the Alliant Energy Center for great deals and biking fun! Note: We will no longer have any presence at t… Organized by Midwest Bicycle Show and Sale | Type: bike show, bike sale, bikeorama
March 12, 2016 at 11:45pm to March 13, 2016 at 7am – The Goat It's March and its possible that the weather will suck less than it has in months past. Therefore, it's a fantastic time to ride bikes and drink beer. In anticipation of possibly less crappy weather… Organized by Your Mom | Type: drunken, but, not, a, saint, particks, day, ride
March 13, 2016 from 8am to 2pm – Wheel & Sprocket (leaving from both Hales Corners, Evanston locations) Wheel & Sprocket is partnering up with the Wisconsin Bike Fed to host a ride to Paris (WI) on Sunday March 13th to celebrate Spring Classic Season! Groups will leave from both Wheel & Sprock… Organized by Wheel & Sprocket, Wisconsin Bike Fed | Type: group, ride
March 13, 2016 from 9am to 5pm – UAW Local 72 HQ Kenosha Velodrome Racing SWAP Meet at Local 72 HQ 3615 Washington Road, Kenosha, WI 9 am to 5 pm Tables $25 Booths $40 Entry $5 (free bike corral with paid admission) Organized by Christy Hoff | Type: bicycle, swap, meet, kenosha
March 13, 2016 from 9am to 12pm – Palos Forest Preserve - Willow Springs, IL We are doing a burn and trail work on this workday, starting at 9 am. We'll also be doing some tread work, as well as dragging brush and making burn piles. We already have 1 burn pile ready so we a… Organized by CAMBr | Type: trail, workday.
March 13, 2016 from 12pm to 5pm – INTENT Multisport Training Center The final race in the INTENT Indoor Time Trial Series will be for the bravest of racers - you won't know what type of course you will be riding until you show up. We can tell that it will be 15k dis… Organized by Mary Ann Sedor | Type: indoor, time, trial
March 13, 2016 from 12pm to 4pm – Zion Cyclery parking lot A fat tire bike ride on the beach. 8 and 20 mile rides offered. You can rent a bike if you want to see what fat tire biking is all about. Organized by Chicago fat tire bikers on facebook | Type: a, social, fat, tire, ride.
March 13, 2016 from 2pm to 5pm – Daley Plaza Picasso Sculpture Bike for Bernie on the Sunday before the primaries to rally support! Ride will start at Daley Plaza at 2 pm at a leisurly pace accessible for all kinds of bikers. Ride will take place rain (or snow)… Organized by Campaign for Bernie Sanders | Type: political, democrat bike ride, bernie bike ride, bernie sanders
March 13, 2016 from 6pm to 9pm – The Recyclery Collective Sunday evenings 6-9pm March 6 & 13 Our two-part bicycle tune-up classes are taught by Tzippy. This class will introduce you to basic bicycle maintenance. We’ll cover tool and component terminolog… Organized by The Recyclery | Type: class, workshop
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