Hey folks!
I just stepped on as a Chainlink Ambassador and have this idea brewing so ill let it out here!
I see a lot of folks without helmets these days. Now I can't say I've worn mine every time, but these days its always on my head and Id like to see more folks with one on theirs. SO I'm trying to organize a helmet drive.
Collect used helmets, maybe old ones you never touch because you got a flashy new one. Or one you've out grown. Whatever the case I want helmets.
I plan to take them to The Recyclery where I volunteer and hope to get a helmet into more hands! If The Recyclery doesn't want em then Im going to set up a booth ad upcoming community events and just pass them out to anyone without one. Because helmets are darn cool!
Was looking for advice on the best way to collect helmets. Maybe ask a few local shops to set up donation bins?
Ideas are definitely welcome. Thanks!
Any chance we could also throw light donations in too? Fall will come up fast and if we start asking for donations now, maybe we can illuminate a few of those bike ninjas so that they are more visible as well as getting a helmet on their heads?
I think thats a great idea! Im going to talk to some homies at a few local shops and see about getting a donation bin set up in their stores.
Good point! I have a few to donate that are lightly used and I tend to wear a cap so that my helmet doesn't get sweaty. I can't speak for everyone but I don't really like having my own sweat in my helmet either.
Please be sure to check the helmets for cracks in the foam. A helmet has a shelf life, and a compromised helmet will not provide the protection if it's foam core is cracked.
I believe helmets lose their protective ability after several years, so it might not be safe wear a helmet many years old. Perhaps you can consider a partnership with the Advocate Medical Group? They have programs where they fit people with helmets and sell them at a very affordable price, around $12.
Yes, seeking out a partnership or better yet a sponsor to provide helmets would be a good idea. Rehab Institute of Chicago has a pretty well know brain injury program, they might be game as a way of promoting safety. Also found this on the interwebs (http://www.bhsi.org/freehelmets.htm)
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