I usually try to stay to the right of traffic so that drivers can pass, but sometimes I have to pass a stationary object. Am I missing something?

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people are a**holes.

It's been really bad this spring. I think the winter took a toll on everyone's patience. Don't let it get to you. Take the lane when you need to and signal and follow rules and smile. Their anger is theirs.

I blow a kiss and watch 'em short-circuit.

Funny and scary anecdote on the subject:

I took the lane (26th east of halsted). Guy slams his horn at me. But I didn't cut him off or jolt in front, there was serious room between us. I took exception stopped my bike and screamed "What?". He rolled down his window and apologized saying he was kinda falling asleep and meant to just toot his horn lightly to say that he was there behind me.

I'm glad he in fact had not fallen asleep and hit me, but set his self stim reflexes to blast his horn in a residential area around 7 am.

Sometime the horn is for the bike, sometime the horn is for the driver.

I beeped the other day, and the cyclist probably thought it was directed at him (unfortunately). Four lane road and I move to the left to give the cyclist plenty of room. Douchy McDouchebag comes flying up behind me at least 10mph over the speed limit, cuts off a car to my right, nearly hits the cyclist (I honked to give the cyclist a warning) and then continues to fly at an excessive speed until he reaches a red light. Sure enough, I caught up to him... I hope all that obscene driving was worth it to sit at a light.

I confronted the guy. "So, do you always drive like an idiot or do you wait for the nice days?"

Him: "Fuck you."

Me: "Driving like that, you could end up getting someone killed, and for what?"

Him: "that's great."

Me: "I hope it isn't you that ends up dead, buddy." Kinda like blowing him a kiss, I guess?

Idiot wouldn't make eye contact or anything. His responses were all somewhat muted. He either realized he was an idiot driver or really didn't like confrontation. 

Five minutes later, I pull into a car wash and the guy in front of me is willing to go all out demolition derby rather than allow someone to pull in front of him (which the other guy had the right to do, given the layout of the carwash and position of the vacuums). In the end, they rubbed tires but no paint was removed from either vehicle. I just sat there in awe.

It was a beautiful day, apparently that brings out the bozos who have no concern for anyone but themselves and saving a couple of seconds here and there. 

Some drivers, CTA bus drivers included, will often give you a light tap on the horn to let you know where they are. I like this. The lay-on-the-horn drivers need anger management help.

Many years ago, before Elston had a bike lane, I was riding north somewhere between Lawrence and Foster and there was a car behind me constantly honking his horn.  No bike lane, so I didn't want to get distracted and kept reasonably far to the right.  I wanted to give him the one-finger-salute, but for some reason I didn't.  

Finally, he passed - and waved.  It was the new pastor at St. Cornelius church!

I have never ever even been tempted to make that gesture again, and I think of this incident every time somebody blows the horn at me.

Agree with this -- as a cyclist and a pedestrian. A tap on the horn just sounds like a tap on the horn when you're inside the vehicle, but to a cyclist or pedestrian outside it can be very loud and can make you jump. It actually hurts my ears sometimes. Most reasons are totally unnecessary, too. The whole "just FYI I'm here" (come on, EVERYONE is *here* - just use your eyes and common sense, and don't hit me) or "the light turned green a millisecond ago" (Really? Everyone has to hear you virtually scream via your horn because someone is inconveniencing you a millisecond?).

Using the horn when not an emergency is rude and disrespectful to those outside and not in a car/bus.

well said

Hear, hear!!!

ha! I propose that we start calling the offenders "honkies"

I for another do not appreciate being honked at for the same reasons. As a cyclist, I am well aware of my surroundings. Horns are for the isolation motorists are subject to. Like Andy, all I ask is that motorists pass me when it's safe to do so and with the required 3 feet distance.


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