What does everyone do for a living?

I work at a construction company on Ashland and Armitage as a project administrator - where swearing is a way of life, we drink too much coffee, work too hard, and party harder. I also do theatre work, mostly in management, and writing.


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Bob Kastigar said:
Got 'cha all beat!

I'm retired so I can ride my bike all day.

Formerly, I worked as a TV technician. No heavy lifting, no outside work, and the checks didn't bounce.

Bike riding is more fun.

Hey Bob, good to see you retired!
I work as an attorney, specializing in commerical litigation. I work in the loop, and commute to work by bike nearly every day, year round.

I love the stress relief that comes from commuting by bike. That ride home works wonders. When I have a great day, I'm able to fly home. When the day is not so great (or even crappy), the ride home usually allows me to leave all that behind.

Plus, I love the reaction I get when people realize that this bike freak they ran into is an attorney they work with. Especially in winter when I've got icicles hanging from by beard.
I work for WBEZ. I do traffic (continuity management), some sponsorship work and the occasional production work.

I must agree with Joe, the stress relief from the commute is a god send, no matter what type of day I've had.
Bob, I'm jealous. :) You're where I wanna be!! Any tips about the journey you want to share with all us grunts?

Bob Kastigar said:
Got 'cha all beat!

I'm retired so I can ride my bike all day... Bike riding is more fun.
I talk to bookstores all day, the remaining mom and pop shops that haven't been gobbled up or trampled by the internet juggernaut.

I have the best commute in the entire world--Rogers Park to River North via lakeshore trail (or Clark St. if it's icy on the lake or if I'm running late). Seriously, I defy anyone in this wide world to top my daily commute. Best part of my working life by far.
I am so glad you haven't started to embalm live people, but if you choose to, I have suggestions.

arman said:
i embalm dead people.
I'm pretty certain I've embalmed myself on several occasions. Most notably: Mardi Gras 1996, and at all Chainlink parties I've attended! ;-)
I try to put criminals where they belong - on the streets - with varied levels of success. I am an attorney in a solo prctice who almost exclusively does adult and juvenile criminal defense, traffic, cycling traffic, dui, abuse and neglect and order of protection cases throughout Cook, Lake, McHenry, Kane, DuPage and Will counties.

My office is in Waukegan and my home is in the Bucktown/Wicker Park overlap area. Unfortunately, I cannot bike commute, but try to force myself to work from home or take Metra when I can.
I work in technology at CME Group / CBOT / NYMEX downtown (futures and options trading).

I live in Humboldt Park and bike nearly everywhere...

Hey- I have a hugely uniteresting office job BUT, I rock DANA as a first name too...full time.
I commute from Hyde Park to the Loop every day, along the Lake Front Path. I actually prefer the southen part of the path to the northern part of the path, especially since the path has been re-opened around the outside of the Shedd Aquarium. The panoramic shot of downtown when I come around the aquarium every morning is always beautiful, all year round.

David606xx said:
I have the best commute in the entire world--Rogers Park to River North via lakeshore trail (or Clark St. if it's icy on the lake or if I'm running late). Seriously, I defy anyone in this wide world to top my daily commute. Best part of my working life by far.


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