Source: by Michelle Arthurs - Brennan

Cycling can help beat (S.A.D.) seasonal affective

Reasons why cycling can be awesome in Autumn.

Cycling can genuinely have a positive effect, allowing for free time to think clearly, and an increase in confidence and the release of positive hormones in the case of seasonal affective disorder (S.A.D.) - low mood and depression that occurs as the days get shorter - spending more time outside is documented to have a positive effect.

The primary theory behind (S.A.D.) is that a lack of sunlight could stop the hypothalamus from working properly, affecting hormone production and the body cloock. So take time to ride for mental health.

Dedicated to "J".

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If only it were light out either on my way to work or on my way home...

Whether it is a placebo or not cycling has been a panacea for me during the shorter and darker days.  Newer lighting systems which provide better light and better batteries have made this easier than in  days of yore. I often ride in darkness for both trips this time off year. There was a period two years ago during the Snowpocolypse where I did not ride for five weeks.  allworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnooplaymakesjackadullboyallwork...  

It was not good for my mental health.


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