I've been looking for a picture of my first bike for ages and finally found it. It was a 1976 Huffy, "Star Spangler". My brother had the boy version and we rode them constantly. This bike made me so happy as a kid. ‪#‎bikelove‬ 
What was your first bike?

1976 Huffy, "Star Spangler"

You can see the bike to the right. That's me with my brother, we are not being very patient about mom taking our picture.

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I haven't found a picture, but my first was a late 1950's B.F. Goodrich kids bike, blue and white. They were made under contract by Schwinn. I have two older brothers, and my parents had friends with several older kids. The bikes were hand-me-downs to my brothers, and one became a second generation hand-me-down to me.

The rims were originally white enamel (with pinstripes!). So perhaps that dates the bikes a bit earlier to WWII chrome rationing. They were a bit rusty by the time I came along, so when my dad was fixing up the bike he spray painted the rims black. Boy, was it cool!

I learned to ride by coasting it down the driveway. One day an older boy in the neighborhood (Todd Miller, are you out there?) saw me and said "It's easy to ride. Just pedal."

The first time I made it 80 feet down the sidewalk before crashing. After a few more attempts Todd said "Let's ride around the block." He patiently accompanied me as we rode and I crashed many times. I don't remember any scrapes or bruises - just the feeling I was ten feet tall.

Red Schwinn Bantam in the late 1970's, probably 1978, for Christmas.

My first bike was a Columbia Converti-Cycle like this one. The skinny "tank" could be removed to go from "boy's" to "girl's" bike. The tank was off of mine at first then put back on as I grew a bit taller.

1987 Bridgestone 200.


Right after I got my bike, my family left for a 4-week RV vacation out west from the east coast, and all I could do for those 4 weeks was pine for my new bike.


A parts bike built by the junk man on our block, dear old John. It had a purple banana seat and grips and a slick rear tire, so my 7 year old self thought it was pretty cool.

hmm, in my mind it was a very snazzy Huffy dirt bike that was white, but with blue tires and blue padding.  I thought that was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

But a quick scan through some old pix brought out this one.  Maybe 1978, Logan Square.  I'm the chap with the incredibly attractive eyeglasses/eye patch combo, and for some inexplicable reason the bike seems to have only a single training wheel. 

I think any pictures would be in my parents' storage unit sadly, but beside the tricycle (not a bike!), my pa picked up an old Stingray in terrible condition from a coworker. Together we sanded off all the awful paint that had been added to it over the years and did a couple coats of beautiful blue. Then he had the idea to cover the banana seat in denim to match. I LOVED this bike and carted my 3rd grade best friend around on the back or would bring my little brother back from the pool and he'd fall asleep while I pedaled. I still miss that thing. Maybe I need a grown up banana seat. 

What a cool choice of topic!


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