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Another great job, Matt
Aw man, I wish I paid more attention and knew about this BEFORE it occurred. I don't drink, but I still would have loved to go for a midnight ride with a ton of people.

"Bikes ride faster at 3 a.m." - Fireworks
Join us next month.

Jackie said:
Aw man, I wish I paid more attention and knew about this BEFORE it occurred. I don't drink, but I still would have loved to go for a midnight ride with a ton of people.

"Bikes ride faster at 3 a.m." - Fireworks
Thank you, I will!
Aww man. I'm still so pissed I missed this. I still feel like sickly $hit, and moreso due to the fact I stepped on a three-pronged wall outlet and stabbed my foot in a theraflu/beer haze around 1 AM. I wondered what the sticky wetness was pooling under my right foot; in the morning it looked like the bathroom set of Psycho. Shiiiiit. :-(
Good call Howard. I didn't wanna ride my bike last night anyway. ;-)
im sad that i missed this.... but i was at a slalom skateboard race in wisconsin where i finished 6th in the pro class and im not even a pro so i guess it all evens out


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