Vintage 3-Speed Triumph for Sale 


-Made in England

-All original parts

-Step Through

-Ready to ride

-Brooks Saddle 

-$450 or Best Offer


Contact me if you have questions or would like a test ride.  773-368-8980


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Hiya, this should be in Markeplace, I believe. And your other bike post. 

Thanks for catching it Sarah. I updated the post. Definitely good to have it as marketplace if you want it to show up in the weekly email (I sort by "marketplace" when working on the email).

Still available?

Unfortunately it did sell. I'll have other bikes available later this summer so stay tuned. Thanks!

Is it still for sale, and can you comment on the size, please? It's gorgeous!

Old ad, sorry to reply now. But-
Looks to me like a late 60s / early 70s made in England 3 speed. Not highest quality level- it has Endrick rims and wire fender supports. Brooks plastic mattress saddle not leather as on higher trim lines. No pump attachments. Wald steel kickstand. Plastic on shifter suggests 70s. Rust spots on the rims (try an electric toothbrush and auto chrome cleaner to remove). Looks like it's the size for people 5'6" and up roughly. There was a smaller size.
Gorgeous, yes. Functional and comfortable, yes. Worth $450? I just bought my niece a 1974 Raleigh Sports needing only cleaning and new tires for $80 at Hampshire Bike Exchange in MA, and similar bikes can go down below $50. Not counting yard sales. Add a $100 new Brooks leather saddle, chrome cleaner, polishing compound and car wax, new brake pads and tires and you're still below $250. Check out for lots more about these bikes.
These bikes still have no rarity value unless they have a Reynolds 531 frame.
Basically, any English made 3 speed you find without a bent frame will be easy to fix like new and most can even look new if you put in the elbow and bike grease. They are the perfect bikes for Chicago weather and our flat hills (once you add good lighting and salmon brake pads). They last forever. But they don't cost this much.
Check out Working Bikes, A Nearly New Shop, Recyclery, maybe Uptown or West Town for similar fixer uppers. Boulevard and Up and West Town may also have lovingly restored ones and (much more costly) new similar bikes like Pashleys. Dutch Gazelles and other brands are still made and similar as well, try JC Lind.
Hmmpf! $450! Bikeway robbery!
I asked for $450.00 or Best Offer. An offer was made and it sold for what I considered to be a fair price considering that the bike was "ready to ride." I have other vintage bikes that I'm working on, and I'll consider your insights when I'm ready to post. Thanks.

Someone was willing to pay for the elbow grease. Not all of us have the luxury of the time required to bring a fixer-upper up to snuff. 

A happy customer rode away on the bike about a month ago. I have a vintage Schwinn step thru that I'm working and will post soon so stay tuned. Thanks.

that is possibly the coolest thing I've seen in weeks! Thanks Matt!


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