Looks like the city's traffic engineering folks have made a major change to the timing of the lights on Wells between roughly Chicago and Kinzie. This used to be a horrible stretch, where you'd catch a red light every block or two. Now you can cruise right through. I hit green lights from Chicago well past the river, maybe Washington.

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Cool! I biked Wells southbound this weekend but didn't really notice (rarely do that, so no basis for comparison). Glad it's made a difference!

I discovered this, too, and it's a welcome change.  I used to never make the intersection at Ohio but now I can count on it.  Nice!

Incidentally, I've noticed that there seems to be a certain seasonality to the lights on this stretch of Wells.  In spring and fall it seems the timing changes slightly.  Has anyone else noticed this and does anyone know why it changes?  I don't think it's because of the school year because it's not close to any schools.  

I noticed the change of light timing as well, but attributed it to time-of-day (before vs. during rush hour). Maybe during the fall/winter hours you're riding in just enough later to get there after the rush hour timing change?

CDOT announced this at the 6/11 MBAC meeting. I used to ride Wells a lot when I commuted into the Loop from Rogers Park. Back then I spent a LOT of time waiting at red lights every block or two. Looking forward to checking this out soon.

I think the green wave is broken. Two days in a row now: Stopped at the red light at Chicago. Light turns green so I proceed at my normal pace. Light at Ontario turns red as I'm approaching. 

Not that I mind especially since the green wave made it a bit tricky for me to get over to the left side of Wells to make a left onto Illinois. Just pointing out my observation. 

I noticed that last Thursday, and figured I might have just hit it at a bad moment. The "Green Wave" signs mocked me at every red light. "Ha ha, you foolish human! I control your destiny!" I haven't ridden yet this week to confirm (out sick). Hopefully back at it tomorrow or Thursday.

What's your travel speed when this is happening? Just curious.

Not sure since I don't use a computer but guessing my rolling speed is about 12-14 mph. I do usually need to yield at the stop sign at Superior but that was the case when the timing of the lights was first adjusted. 

I was told that this was optimized for 12 mph and likely to be most effective if you roll right after the light turns green.

Rich is right. It is broken as of mid last week. The light on Ontario goes red before the one on Erie turns red. It has nothing to do with the seepd of the cyclist.

And I thought it was just me.  It still works from Ontario to Kinzie, though.


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