So I was riding the other day a handful of miles from my house when suddenly I was hearing this rubbing sound, I got off the bike to see what it was, spun the wheel and all seemed well until, Boom! A blow out right in my face scaring the living crap out of me and others around like a gun had just gone off. I ended up blowing out the side wall in my rear tire for the second time now. So I locked her up and headed home looking for an extra tire to replace it to no avail. No way this thing was going in any car unless I took it a part and somehow was able to shove the fork somewhere. So I grabbed the trailer and and off I went. Everything went fine with no problems, slowly but surely made I it home bike intact. Got some looks, got some honks, but all and all a very peaceful trip for as much of the road I was taking up. I guess I didn't notice how long the bike really is measuring in at about 7 - 7 1/2 feet long.

We all know what bikes can do, that list can go on forever, can you think of anything bicycles can't do?
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