Hey everyone, I bet this has been brought up before because I know so many people in the southwest side of Chicago use Archer Ave. to bike to downtown or to the other parts of the city. Is there somewhere I can go to suggest bike lanes for Archer ave? I feel like it should have bike lanes. I always see a lot of bikers on Archer on my commutes from Archer Heights to UIC. 

I'm not sure if people have tried in the past and have been unsuccessful or what the case may be I just think it would be beneficial to a lot of commuters like myself.

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Halsted is very useful, if it's close to where you need to go. I also like Damen south of 47th.

In general, I very much agree that the southwest side is ridiculously underdeserved in terms of bike infrastructure.  Archer connects so many neighborhoods, schools, businesses, transit stops, etc.  It's logistically complex, but very necessary as a bike route.

Aside from Archer, where else would you like to see bike lanes?  Please make specific suggestions.  I'd love to take your ideas to the next Mayor's Bike Advisory Council meeting in a few weeks.  Please post your ideas here AND shoot me an email at: s4c (dot) south (at) gmail (dot) com.   (Sorry about the indirect format of the email address - trying to prevent spam.)

Doesn't the city have an environmental department? Why aren't they doing anything to create an outlet for these issues and to promote biking?

The city has a bike program, under CDOT. That's the venue for these issues.

Canal needs work.  The area around Union Station currently is being reconstructed and the area near Roosevelt is extremely dangeous.  (Both of these issues are disussed in other threads.)  Also, it probably should be striped for bikes from 18th to 26th St., especially the part that crosses the river.  No logical reason for the lane to start north of 18th (without even intersecting with 18th!) since so many cyclists use this route to get downtown from Pilsen, Bridgeport, etc.  Currently, this stretch is like Archer, randomly alternating between 2 lanes and 4 lanes, so that's another reason to stripe it for bikes.

Archer would be the most important in my books, I haven't been on Western or California recently but to me those would be good choices for bike lanes on the southside. Maybe even Kedzie and Pulaski too


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