Hey friends on wheels,

I'm a part of a volunteer cultural committee putting on a big concert and rally for Chuy Garcia next Sunday, March 29, at Alhambra Palace downtown Chicago. I am still in need of a few additional volunteers:



Poster and postcard distribution this week

One more SECURITY volunteer (experience and formidable presence helpful)

Please email me at poptart@gmail.com if you are interested in supporting this candidate and this event next week. It's going to be incredibly diverse, energizing, and fun!



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What Chuy would do for cycling, transit and pedestrian safety is ambiguous at best. His opposition to the red light and speed cameras tells us that he places more value on pandering to drivers than he does to safety on our streets. 

Rahm, on the other hand appointed Gabe Klien as is first Commissioner of the Department of Transportation under whose leadership Chicago made more progress toward making biking a viable urban mode of transport than all the previous administrations combined. Gabe Klein! Here is a list of what Klein did in Chicago while he was here (lifted directly from Wikipedia):

Gabe joined Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s administration in Chicago on May 16, 2011 as the Commissioner of the Chicago Department of Transportation.

Under his administration, Gabe Klein oversaw the following new and on-going projects and initiatives:

  • BRT Chicago – Bus rapid transit
  • Make Way for People
  • Divvy – Chicago’s Bike Share System
  • Chicago Traffic Tracker
  • Bloomingdale Trail
  • CREATE Program
  • Chicago Bicycle Ambassadors
  • Safe Routes to School
  • Wacker Drive Reconstruction
  • Union Station Master Plan
  • Wells Bridge Reconstruction
  • All-Way Pedestrian Crossing
  • Open311
  • Addison Underbridge Connection of the North Riverfront Trail
  • Chicago Riverwalk
  • Navy Pier Flyover

Gabe Klein oversaw the publication of the following documents  :

  • Chicago Forward Action Agenda,
  • Chicago Pedestrian Plan,
  • Streets for Cycling 2020,
  • Chicago Complete Streets Design Guidelines,
  • Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Guidelines

What did Chuy do for biking in Chicago or Cook County ever? I could be missing something, but he does not seem like the rider's candidate, or the walkers candidate, or the transit rider's candidate. If you like speeding and blowing through red lights in your car, then by all means Chuy is your man.

Anyone who cares about the future of transportation in Chicago or the health of the planet in general should seriously consider holding their noses and voting for Rahm. 



I wouldn't begrudge anyone's opinion/priorities either. I just don't understand posting a request for support on a bike forum without providing reasons a cyclist would want to support that politician.
Tony, the fact is that the city of Chicago having shortened yellow light times below the federal standards IS indeed very shady and unfair if it was done just for the purpose of increasing revenue. Do you want an administration who has, through its implementation of an unfair system of revenue generation to continue on this pattern of behavior?

Chicago's red light system has to be eliminated or REDONE to ensure that it is implemented in a fair and even-handed manner. THAT is what the issue of the candidate who is challenging the current Chicago mayor IS !

I drive all the time and have not gotten a red light ticket because I stop.

I wish Gabe Klein would run for mayor!

If you're looking for a clearly pro-cyclist candidate and live in the 2nd Ward, vote for Brian Hopkins.  He's commuted by bike for many years.

Speaking of the 2nd Ward runoff, the other candidate worked at a law firm that has made over $1.1 million in privatization deals with the city (including the parking meter deal).  Attorneys at the firm have contributed $15,000 to her campaign.  Richard Daley is now on the firm's payroll.


Not that people shouldn't vote for her, but people should know who they are voting for.

Jeremy said, "people should know who they are voting for".

Yes Jeremy, voters SHOULD make a well informed decision before they vote.
Chuy published his transportation platform on Election Day. At that time, it did not once mention the words bicyclist or pedestrian. He has since added some verbiage around that, but it seems all rather careless and an afterthought.

The best article about Chuy's view on active transportation is from John Greenfield sometime last week. Chuy did not impress me. At all.
Can we see the article you speak of ?


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