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Thank you kindly Kevin, let's ride...

KevinM said:

I saw the segment. Great job guys! Hope to ride with you all soon. 

Hey Lisa - Yes, this will be a beautiful ride, thank ya...

Lisa Curcio 4.1mi said:

Tomorrow!  Last ride of the season!  Temps will be hitting the low 30's, and the wind will be relatively light out of the southwest.  It is shaping up to be a great ride and a great day.

Mending Broken Fences: A Community Bicycle Ride for Peace on Chicag... 

KevinM said:

I saw the segment. Great job guys! Hope to ride with you all soon. 

Congrats! So proud of you all! Keep pedaling!
Thanks DannieMac!

Danielle Mc said:
Congrats! So proud of you all! Keep pedaling!
Peace Slow Rollers - We are proud to announce that Slow Roll Chicago won the grant competition at the Chicago Community Grant Salon, hosted by Burners Without Borders & Bold Urban Renaissance Network. We'd like to express our sincere appreciation for this beautiful opportunity to Christopher Breedlove + Ben Prawer + Joy Nieda + Maggie Sather + Andrea Mattson and the entire Chicago Community Grant Program, BURN & BWB extended family...

This grant means the world to us and we are honored to have this support and the support of the beautiful Burning Man community here in Chicago. We also want to congratulate this community for your work. We loved the energy and spirit in the room that night. Salute to all of you for creating time and space for a diverse group of people to connect in an authentic way and express themselves in a way that is safe and empowering. We look forward to staying in touch with you and would love to have all of you on a Slow Roll Chicago ride soon. 

This morning (Sat, Nov 15), we ride for peace in Chicago. The flyer is attached and here's the Facebook event link:

Feel free to contact us anytime. You all and your organizations and your work enjoy the full support of Slow Roll Chicago!

Thanks again for the grant, be well and talk soon...

How beautiful is it to tell your story in a way that captures your essence - what you do & why you do it??? This is the incredibly beautiful story of Slow Roll Chicago, produced by our friend and avid cyclist Jay Shefsky at WTTW Channel 11. Thank you kindly Jay! Congrats and salute to you on the work...
Slow Roll Chicago:

A couple cool articles about our ride today...

Slow Roll Chicago: West Side Bike for Peace Coming Tomorrow...

Slow Roll Chicago celebrates community, history by way of bike...

SLOW ROLL! It was a beautiful day and a beautiful ride.  The 11th District CAPS folks were wonderful hosts. So great to be a part of it all.

Awwwwww.... Thank you so much Lisa! It is always a pleasure having you ride with us, dearly appreciate your kind energy and warm spirit. Be well and talk soon...

Peace Slow Rollers - One word: WOW!

Several words: We are deeply inspired by what we've achieved in less than 2 months. And, we are incredibly fortunate to have all of you on this journey together with us. We love and appreciate our incredible ‪#‎SquadChicago‬ team and the entire extended ‪#‎SlowRollCHI‬ family. We did this together! We will soon share a more formal, detailed season wrap up with everyone along with our plans to keep our #SlowRollCHI community connected through the winter.

In the meantime, please be sure to join our Facebook Group here:

And, please sign up for our email newsletter here:


I'll second that. Another great Slow Roll experience.

Lisa Curcio 4.1mi said:

SLOW ROLL! It was a beautiful day and a beautiful ride.  The 11th District CAPS folks were wonderful hosts. So great to be a part of it all.

Thank you kindly Anne, always a pleasure riding with you and we dearly appreciate your steadfast support!

Anne Alt said:

I'll second that. Another great Slow Roll experience.

Lisa Curcio 4.1mi said:

SLOW ROLL! It was a beautiful day and a beautiful ride.  The 11th District CAPS folks were wonderful hosts. So great to be a part of it all.


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