Any suggestion on where to get a balaclava to fit under a helmet for a toddler? The only ones I've found so far are too bulky to wear under a helmet.

Also, do you think long underwear bottoms is a good idea? 

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My toddler is pretty happy with pants and insulated snowpants.  She' not a big fan of tights, so I would avoid trying to put long underwear on her daily.  Last winter someone here gave away a bunch of balaclavas she made.  Maybe she can sew a toddler size one for you?  I can't remember her name..

The balaclavas are often available at Critical Mass, but the next one might not be soon enough for you.  They are pretty easy to make, and you can make it out of any material you want.  Here is the link to the bike winter site discussion of how to make them.  Of course, it is geared to making a bunch of them, but you can just scale it down.

You should look at our Chicargobike post from a couple of years ago on this. Yes, absolutely, long underwear bottoms, preferably wooly, and lots of layers. We covered a lot of details and where to get things.

You can get winter ski helmets for many sizes of kids that are warm and safe. CPSC certification for bike helmets is on some. If not, a simple fleece balaclava is usually available at places that have kid's gloves and hats, like Erehwon or REI or Patagonia or similar. German long underwear places on line like The Critical Mass ones are a little too big for kids.

Everybody is happier when the little people are all warm and comfortable. Enjoy the fall.

We had made some small balachlavas last winter but assume they were all given away at CCM and the Winter Bike Swap and I also don't know if they were thin enough for your own toddler needs. Does anyone know if Bike Winter has fleece that needs to be cut and sewn? Seems like that time of the year is here again... I could host a party some sunday. 

Thanks for all the feedback, guys. I'll take a look at the links. 

I keep a pair of babylegs with me at all times. Easy to slip on for an extra layer on legs of little people or arms of big people. Tube socks with the toes cut off serve the same purpose. Also, it's pretty easy to find wool sweaters at a thrift store. Cut the arms off and you have instant wool leg warmers. All are easy to take off when you arrive at your destination.

Some Kidical masses hand out the smaller size balaclavas. I think we are due to make more as the bulk were handed out at the end of last winter.

Awesome. I was just about to ask this same question.

I was thinking that small wool ponchos might be good to carry around too. (And give things a little more Outlaw Josey Wales flair.)

Trying the baby legs out tonight, good suggestion. Also going to make the tube socks - genius! Still searching for a thin balaclava...will consider making one of those, too. I was also thinking maybe I could buy a small adult one and just put it over his entire helmet. I'll try with an extra one I have tonight. I only ride 2 miles home with him once I get him from daycare so it's not a long ride (for him), but he needs to be warm.

My kids' hoods fit under their Bern helmets- I just let out the Velcro in the back.  I like this product that's a "Buff" ripoff and have it in tons of really ugly prints thanks to Amazon- but I see a legit polar one here:

I think a kid's balaclava making party sounds like fun...  and I'd love to make muffs or something like the bike mitts for my kids, too.  Hmmm.... 


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