solaRoad will be first tested as a cycletrack, not as cool as solar freaking roadways but at least some group is trying to implement this great idea.

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Here is some info from their site in English:

h' 1.0 said:

Facebook blocked at work-- but if this idea is that special bicycles that can ride on the surface of waterways will be the next thing, Venice is going to be giving Amsterdam a run for its money in terms of "bicycling city" status.

Damn those dutch pink commie socialists and their neverending need to flaunt their smugness.

Thanx Juan!  I've been watching this tech intently.  Though I've read about a few fractions of parking lots done before, this is the first I've heard of a full scale practical test install.  Opens to riders in mid November

As a pilot, approximately one hundred meters of SolaRoad cycle path will be placed along the provincial road N203 near Krommenie. Before the actual construction of such a cycle path, it will thoroughly be tested in a laboratory environment. In the autumn of 2014, the SolaRoad cycle track will be built. It will then remain in situ there for a number of years. During this time, research will be conducted continuously and the technique will be further developed.

Oops! Just noticed your reference to solar freakin' roadways.

You are welcome! So far there is no comparison to the Solar Freaking roadways but at least it is a serious collaborated start that will be up and running sooner.

Andronymous said:

Thanx Juan!  I've been watching this tech intently.  Though I've read about a few fractions of parking lots done before, this is the first I've heard of a full scale practical test install.  Opens to riders in mid November

I've seen their stuff and I seriously doubt it's going to hold up.  It looks like they're in the testing initial phases and just getting engineering scale studies in.  At this point, it looks like they still need to answer a lot of questions regarding durability, toughness, how it'll function in winter/summer and deal with freeze thaw cycles.  The warmers and led lights sound great but will they actually work well?  Hopefully this pans out but given that they were talking about building a parking lot to test it in 2011, it seems like there were quite a few snags.

I subscribe to this Electrical Engineering blog:

As a highly capable engineer I think he has some interesting views on the subject.  Thought I'd share.  

Thanks for that! Looks like those Dutch peeps have a head start. Still I see $$$ wherever I ride and see vast parking lots just sucking up all that sun...

JAYMO said:

I subscribe to this Electrical Engineering blog:

As a highly capable engineer I think he has some interesting views on the subject.  Thought I'd share.  

I was skeptical about this from the second I looked at it.  This guy really lays it out.  I wouldn't count on seeing anything like this in the real world any time soon.  Thanks for the excellent, super on-point link.

JAYMO said:

I subscribe to this Electrical Engineering blog:

As a highly capable engineer I think he has some interesting views on the subject.  Thought I'd share.  


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