What a huge loss. I never knew anything about his struggles. Apparently, he was an avid bike rider. I know riding lifts my spirits. We lost a great and irreplaceable soul. We will miss you dearly, Robin.

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Cycling world saddened by Williams’ death

  • By Andrew Hood
  • Published Aug. 12, 2014
  • Updated 2 hours ago

Robin Williams was a tremendous supporter of the sport of cycling. His presence at the races will be sorely missed. Photo courtesy of Michael Aisner.

The cycling community lost one of its most ardent and funniest ambassadors Monday with the death of Robin Williams.

The 63-year-old comedian and actor became cycling’s unofficial ambassador-at-large during the boom days of the 2000s. Williams brought legitimate star power to cycling, and helped the sport enter the American mainstream.

Read more at http://velonews.competitor.com/2014/08/news/cycling-world-saddened-...

I still can't believe he didn't win an Oscar for Patch Adams.  Sometimes true genius is recognized only in death.  Bold, irreverent and always thought-provoking, something tells me he is smashing watermelons in heaven as we speak.  Goodnight, sweet prince.

Very sad news. We've lost a huge talent.

Almost all of his neighbors comments were seeing him on a bike.  Really had not realized what a legacy he created after coming on the scene as Mork.  So many roles, characters. I keep thinking of The Fisher King. 


Death is always surreal, celebrity death doubly so. But Robin Williams' death is especially sad to me because he was someone who's work I grew up with, and I think a lot of people around my age feel the same. Aladdin, Mrs. Doubtfire, Flubber, even Toys- all great memories attached to those movies. He was a great actor and a great comedian, it really is a shame.

A firm believer in the N+1 rule for the number of bikes to own.


"...I knew him, Horatio: a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy: he hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! my gorge rims at it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know not how oft. Where be your gibes now? your gambols? your songs? your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the table on a roar? Not one now, to mock your own grinning? quite chap-fallen?” - Hamlet, Act V, Scene I

envane (69 furlongs) said:

I still can't believe he didn't win an Oscar for Patch Adams.  Sometimes true genius is recognized only in death.  Bold, irreverent and always thought-provoking, something tells me he is smashing watermelons in heaven as we speak.  Goodnight, sweet prince.

I read an article by Josh Gad this morning about how Robin was his friend and mentor after they met while he was in Book of Mormon (Robin had been his idol his whole life.) 

When Robin's play (Bengal Tiger in the Baghdad Zoo) closed, he left NY and left his bike to Josh. 

The article totally made me cry - discussing how Genie was the inspiration for Frozen's Olaf and how Josh felt like Olaf couldn't live up to Genie but at least Olaf made little kids giggle. 

LOVING all the photos of him with bikes showing up lately on FB.

I'll bet it brought him some peace.

Videos: Robin Williams + Hamlet

Conan remembers when Robin Williams gifted him a bicycle:

Cool story.

I like the Hamlet bit above, too.

MK said:

Conan remembers when Robin Williams gifted him a bicycle:


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