Our newest bike store and the best use of shipping container.

A timely notice to all Ladies and Gentlemen riders of Bicycles in the Chicago and affiliated areas:

Located in a grassy vale in historic Bronzeville at 51st and Calumet (steps from the Metra rail station) discerning cyclists can visit Chicago's newest and most compelling repair shop; 'The Bronzeville Bike Box'.

There, Waymond "The Doctor is in"  Smith offers superior repairs and bike services for the demanding rider that is both speedy and fairly priced.  In addition select, high quality goods are offered for those that might be in need along with a number of bikes that are available for purchase.

In this confusing landscape where bike stores come and go and service is occasionally questionable the future landmark 'The Bronzeville Bike Box' offers nearly everything the eminent cyclist might need.  Do yourself (and your velocipede) a favor and visit, wherein Sir Waymond (and other professionals) offer parts, repairs and consultations that are knowledgeable and highly esteemed.

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Waymond rocks the Box!!!

I'll definitely check this out soon! Love more bike shops in the South Side.

This made my day!!! This is why I appreciate The Chainlink. I will definitely be checking this out. 


Waymond is the man! The Bike Box looks great, thanks for adding this gem to Chicago. 

I need to clarify something about The Bike Box; i'm the mechanic, not the owner. The owner is Bernard Loyd of Urban Juncture.

Looks like the owner's family didn't know how to spell "Lloyd", Welsh spelling "Llwyd", but either way there is a double-L to start with.

Waymond Smith said:

I need to clarify something about The Bike Box; i'm the mechanic, not the owner. The owner is Bernard Loyd of Urban Juncture.

Looks neat. What are the hours?

Actually, the owner of the BikeBox is Bronzeville Bikes, which is a part of Urban Juncture Foundation.  

Credit must go to the many contributors to the building and outfitting of the BikeBox, including Bill Depenbrock (construction leader & BikeBox manager); Sharon Samuels & Darin Triplett (design); Urban Juncture, Inc., Bill Depenbrock, Evanston Bike Club & SRAM/QBP (financial support); and numerous neighborhood and IIT volunteers! 

And, yes, there are Loyds who spell their name with one "L" :).

Alan Lloyd said:

Looks like the owner's family didn't know how to spell "Lloyd", Welsh spelling "Llwyd", but either way there is a double-L to start with.

Waymond Smith said:

I need to clarify something about The Bike Box; i'm the mechanic, not the owner. The owner is Bernard Loyd of Urban Juncture.

Currently 2 - 7p Friday through Sunday.

Skip Montanaro 12mi said:

Looks neat. What are the hours?


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