I've wanted to start this thread so many times this year. . . there have been so many beautiful, glorious days this year and each time I think "this is probably the last really beautiful day" and then another comes along.  Take yesterday morning-- what a wonderful combination of warm moist air and all the smells of autumn.

Bouncing this thread to the top heretoforth will be considered a declaration that said bouncer considers the day upon which the bouncing occurs to be the most beautiful day of the year.


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Lol, let's not incite any illegal upskirting now.
Julie Hochstadter said:

I love riding in dresses!

This was the most beautiful so far this year!

Yes, with a bonus for being Friday. :)

Lisa Curcio 4.1 mi said:

This was the most beautiful so far this year!



Beautiful ride this morning.  Sunny skies, cool temps, gentle winds, and very low humidity.  Just a pleasure.

I'll second that.  But really any day I am able to ride is beautiful, I could not be physically able to ride and that would suck. 

JeffB (7+ miles) said:

Beautiful ride this morning.  Sunny skies, cool temps, gentle winds, and very low humidity.  Just a pleasure.

Sunrise over Fort Sheridan this morning.  A beautiful day for riding indeed. 

40 miles on the lake front this morning.  I could have done without the "Breeze".  But all things considered, It was certainly a beautiful day to ride.

If today isn't THE most beautiful day of the year, it's certainly top ten.

I am hesitant to post because with the cool summer we have had, there have been dozens of most beautiful days of the year so far.

But this morning beat them all...

I agree about this morning. Was wishing I had time to slow down and take it in.

I think today may be even more beautiful-est.

That heat feels good.....


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