You stopped to let a pedestrian cross Clark St., in spite of the bus driver behind you laying on the horn. I salute you!

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 Whenever I find myself saluting a taxi driver it's with my middle finger.

There are a few gems of them drivers out there. Just when I've given up on them, one would come out and surprise me.

I actually sent a compliment to one once.  He was in the left turn lane on Dearborn at Randolph when the left turn arrows were first installed and patiently waited for the light to turn while a bunch of charming folks behind him laid on their horns.  I always hope positive reinforcement will be effective.

Nice! I need to do that on the rare occasions when I see cabbies showing courtesy and actually obeying the law.

Lisa Curcio 4.1 mi said:

I actually sent a compliment to one once.  He was in the left turn lane on Dearborn at Randolph when the left turn arrows were first installed and patiently waited for the light to turn while a bunch of charming folks behind him laid on their horns.  I always hope positive reinforcement will be effective.


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